The Philadelphia Inquirer from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania (2024)

THE PHILADELPHIA INQUIRED, TUESDAY MORNING, APRIL' 30, 1929 30 a ROOMS TO RENT USED AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE ROOMS TO RENT WANTED JSpjUJTOLES CHRYSLER unlit town ftfila ji. 11J mod. 5ftih. lit Mteiy furn. rooiu, eougenial ACHCHN ''1 PtiAotnn 1200 mo.

Guar, BARBERS HAIRDRESSERS FURNITURE WANTRrT family, runy. to 1. iwl t.tra. Auhiirn 14tu Spring Garden, SHOO touall mileage; original tin lab, which i If too are fonaiderina1 eh in Fine Tone old 5Uth. 731 Kntlr.

2d flonr. unfurnllbed. corner, rooma and batn. calllni, "1U ALLEullUN y. aty.

frt. mvn or.Jnn:.wl''e-,11'' Bfl-j-AHCH 0l. 'liie Biauiond-Central location, by flar or week clean, dealrabla Blntilo and double rooma, with hot and told running water; or Mate hatha: a team heat. l'honJtprucp H4y JMnprahmanagpmnt. A BOH fno UOTKL GRAND.

'I1VE. COM FORT A BI.K kUOMH. HOT A SDIH Tic. attractive 2d furniture or opening a new shop, wa carry complete Una of hi teat equipment. Pricea reaaonable.

Cash or term. Suppliea all kinds. Wa do all kiiida of trindinf. repairlnar of pole clocks and elec. app.

Write or phone. Get ea-tlmatea and catalog. Leo C. Benita, 636 Arch, At KLKN. 'SB.

nil Saw nil. New AO-bur plt It'll Spring Ga tilen. Po p. 2000. Al m' liN '28 ae.lan gnaranefd.

73.V Term; lt'0 N. Broad. Open eves. Kit BhJjj. Al ftf UN HSS sedan.

8 tor M4.1. Aili'iin Kin t' aimileaa; tirea are good as pew; two spare tirea on front fendera; road performance evcel, A car proud to own. Our price la attractive. fltn Packard, fln-ene A -l'lj4Jl--L CHRYS. Lit "70" K.j.vhI JI2M.

fully cnrtdiiioijed and carrying the standard warranty: are prepared to make an especially attractive proposition on flm car. priva te Home, liennouc rtith 0 Nicely furn. rma. 4k hakpt rn-- JoliliA.N nediin, like new. A-l condition.

irl-vate party, aaeritit-e. will dvinonsrrait. Pl.oti I teg ent. W'14. I'-'Hl mpra I da rwt, JiMtOAX aptian, louelj Ilka iittW.

oniciiial. itari'D'H. K'44 N. Broad at. KlsxKL Sedan.

1st A motor ilint ran do SO mllpj, nrpnue. LA HALI.H C-pasa. aedun, Iteeondltiotied, liOoka tike new. On nr. Walk it Cadillac Co.

.1 It ft Ojt'Hll U). LINCOLN J- 7-pasa." only run 2'M ml leu, a aa eood like nw: new prlee our price Je: prompt uetion iieeeaaary, f'adillnP Branch. 104 W. Clielien ae. Open ivpiina, lx)mharH El I).

WAlSjarB. THlr rrnver. 0MKRfll). "''ta. ront.

h. ronT. to LA bna, Gra. 73fi5. eiKT HT.

S3, looiile li rma. A bath. At PI RN K-Kft scd van new-oar COLD WATKlt. SI DAY WRKK TIP. SOO VflBR GOOD I'SHD CATtR 70 its! SOLD AT U.NC8 A wonderful collection from which tn fun of niauT niak and ranginK from 10 tin.

week la a arouo of Itl xoal. ripPmlntilt n.Nona. I'OUlha. nnd luarkil at rlK'k bottom to In. nr.

Immediate t'laranco. Wa may iicrer bavf occaatuu to offer aucb remarkable aaaln. ilfro the laract and tln-Mf dlaplay or u'd i-ara On one floor In Ilia world. OtMn day and evt-nloir tarr on flva-da trial. DemoiuU' t.oua fur Ilia aakiuc.

:.54. Mic. newly complcta lor bouaeieeuiua. Aiencv. 4717 N.

Uri REFRIGERATORS for ftroceriei. Butcher Delieateaaen Hlah-arade onalitv at low ortcea. Chi.rlcr. POT N. Broad.

S004. CHRYSLER "70" tupe, 1HL'7. condl- yery reaaonntile rcaial. Alt! J71V (Uotel Brewt I Furo. auiilp or double, running watT.

St jip. AltCU, JSa1- Sin. A double, nk-aly hot and fold water: reasonable. tiouod and Bnarintet'd. Dilci-d at tSLW nnlv 83d.

418 It fnm. heat, light and eaa Inclndcd: rpaaoimble. down. rHb or Imlaiii' titon I lily Rellahle Ntore Fixture JUll. $.

10th Bt, Di'Hpnr fhrtaliT, IMi7 ItrfiH.I. Hf 3IKM. 34 VOWKLTON AVK. beaut, furn. rm.

In urnlabed UAI.TIMIIIIK. iM at. vie. run. rena.

Call Slier. large mod. borne, porch: bom comforta. 10 CJIUVSLKHS Mniiy nindfia. Dodges.

Iluirki mina. rrom tiiy Hall. Kyerirreen B4'JL'. MA II VI UN Big It eoiipt'. roinhl aenl.

In perfect en sr teriiH: nuiliiiiv down, 1717 A Tllll st. Tnilllr i'ackarda, anlit-a i hpra. gr-t out tcrma. I SMOP AT BKNTMAN'. W.

cor. Lailr will rent UKIthM A lih. 8. t.rAss. 2000 NEW DESKS i.1 so. $2flS0 BOt.r, TOP DKsKH. IU.nO. t1.60 PHII.A, 0K.NKUAI, MtW AND CSHII OPriCK I'UKN. 81.1 A I1I rITKBKT.

TWO nnfurn. 2nd floor. aa. elec. heat 5 winitowa: Vil fir.

nvt. ant. I.irao lit. rm. rSfl.Kinfl rhoatnut al.

Vf. -unionui, art quick Htf-n r. 6tn atreet. Call 1'ira. aft.

7 P. Jl. or Him. Kcfra. We.

SCA AVIU'KV'd-hS beauty. Ncw-rar guar. Aut.urn AgenJyJ4nji.rnad Ai'lll lIN cub. T-icninI. New guar, A'lhurn Agency, 4717 N.

Broad. Al ril IIX. 1020 sedan, like new car. Marmot Phila. 077 Broad, JjpiniB At lil'ilN.

licit iihiielon-icilau. rim 20 miles, 1717 N. Mih a 111. ii'lvS Will you ride half bour from centre of city by aulo Hula longer hr (o aavc 25 or IriO on a used car to have aaaiirmice of doing busiuoaa im a reputable- Ion. to know the cars are honestly represented nub one.

Fino selection of Buuka. a choice of other popular Makes, liomnnstrale them roiir.Ht. Butler Block Jenkinlowu. .1 )1H v.a UIKVSI.KH 'sir vuwim Uim-i-ti CUStuni imlnti'ii A tfpnflpmn' cnr 11'lHt BOOUN with hotel aeryice. bot 4a cold water, uaq of tS ocr wk.

Gladstone, lltli A Pine iionop! TonniNo KIH1II XRIM.N ruin) I'lllit UDI.HT Plll fK Kfstf.X III IISON COACH Ulllll Tdlllllt KKDAN Kill! It 'J lldlt A It Al I de tin 'i'li. like brand new. ittmt. ririepllaroii 1 X. iti tad t.

UABMO1r7' aedan. peif." older. moo l'liila, C11, Ii77 N. Broad. Open pvp.

It AM IN, model tH' Be-lilli. A laliapiT BITLIUNG new and aeennd band. Traif Tn'ir old car Knur um iii on (lie ha I 13 5 WK. furn. prl.

batb 4 entr. Uiakng. If flea. I 1t. lid 1..

every deacrlpTion lumber, aaah frame, aaraae dnora, Prencb doora, panel duora, bath riaim nxtiirea, 1-beama, cliaiinela. 4l VI" CilKYSI.KIt "70" ruadxiiT, HC7, JUAlKiK. attrac. ru. In mod.

hoina. pvt. HKOAD, 2 US Ve.y dcsinilile uiod. furn. pvt.

batha: altower, Kitcnena. Janitor acnji'e; rcaaonanle. Colimibia H733. BltlMll, 8.7 77V- Wcli-lillillahed rooma. botal 'i'Clllllea.

1. ,1 week, (ienllcinen. 8.. 132B (Uotel Cllatoni ruf m.lii'd rooma. ti week up.

ritnningwater. BIIOAU. 40i Mcely furn. clean doubla all conva. SH week un.

and auiirnntfi'd. ir rut ht: trail' tuiii -M IMIACtl riaht Houae Wreckmf 31115 W. ruth at. lt.ll auit 'i, gooil loc. rcaa.

Belmont OMW J. Mhihioh N.ISniad. Op. pea. Al A I.

4 doi.r Meiliiii. ewctlctit lundillno. old car; My tenni an tin bnlanre. i)oBcai rtirwlpp, Jtl(7 H'lnad. Sip.

NU'fel room, woman phvalcian'l home. Kalect REFRIGERATORS SCALES location, near Bv 38111. DIAMONDS BTOht Kelly 932 Chestnut St BKrillOOM furniture, larneta thj beat caah pricea in tba cit, i.f" inn to anyone drop oV efnr" i. reaentatlv, will te.UC rPD-Main Of (tea. Bth at li W''" HlitheBt caah prloei naid fn.

aooda. fin and atoid, of o- Arch. Lom. 8U8.1 moy. tt nc tall tiirouuli Phone.

For butcher, hotel or restauranla. elet cof fC'nntz -Mill. Open evcnjjlgs. AIKIH Mpecdoler. Tllnitr JI14.

HOIIMr). hotel private batlia. 7 Bar LHKVSI.KK Mo.lel IjO eoitpo nmt aedHn. hotb In A-l roQilltton: will (Inane. We I iii la.

Bnick 4,33 Ch.atnut aL. Grnnlte Tt i 1 1 l' a G.iriira 1 lii'ii anH ltt'JS rltiPPi! run. fee ntUU and meat choDpeia: tood eondlHou: I'l KIH'K-A It Flow 4 PASS. CI'K. A-lcond.


1'7 1 OACU Ill HSIIN :7 CdACH KffKX '27 SKIlA.N Al III IISIIX 2J 7 I'JSS. HKIIAV 5S ween, roiilar Ant. Hotel, lliaw Poplar llltOAl: :.47 -Mrelr furn. alnsla of ltd. All.

837-. Call after P.M. evpnln.i. CHKKKKI1T, attractive room in modern home. cueap-o a uck i Nj-d af arxet a.n.

FOLDING CHAIRS reawouaole. Phone hherwoort WHtl'iU nmdnter. with runi- UIXI. 'i nicely fiirnlabed front all conva. Col.

IS4I17. CAMAC. Ii.kpa. l)le seat, i5U. On I gisr down.

-hnIi or TWO or more hitkpir, $6 wk. up; chll T.arieat stock In America. Call and ee tnide. Im In mnnilifr DelliMir NAMM, ail iiiMileN, overliaulctt mid ifiiHraufeH. new cir uuHMiiitee: tlnrinif our 'piina rhIp MceiiHp tnaa free' cara from (ihi up; tour own iprrnM.

I)iu7 Niisii, di 8, jtrnad ilret. Ni A i HliB NASH 1-i'JH aedan. run :4.ui pine. new. coal your old car a down pay ml.

'ay'i liarajjt', 1017 Ludlow. orcn welcome, ft. ainii atrcet. them, rent un, Oukwood Cuair Wi Broad at. luoi-uit ita.p street; LA HOE, Jnd floor front furn.

room, next 1 HldS a n't he told tii nain. near annway. ir. wstt. FOLDING CHAIRS new.

Hp Mucopd. rlieap. Bflron'a, N. lit fi uu. SUBURBAN VilKsTKIt, IW45 'i liuftiru.

Unlit bk. 'J'J jfc nr. cara A bu. CHKM'NIIX t'lirn. Sr.

kittta. Iivt. reaa. cony. T.

htiw. CHKSTMi'l'. Nicely furn. alnala alolae. rm.

with pvt. balh.all conva. Jol.l'MlllA. 1J37 Two uuf. balh, ranitc, aink.

aai elec. heat. all conva. Positively the made, at factory Ulfl in hi Cil YSI.KU auiHll seifnil, 'J7 model tut turn I pricea. itemed aunt, old i mi ten tiiau wood wheel.

On a. If (Iph. MlttN.Tf-d. MS B. Wood lawn Ave.

Mod. cheer- 1121 ltace aireet: Walnut IH82. CUIiVNl.KH emipe. I'-tL'ti. Like new.

Uimr. Hue. tin -n noor. comDiefeir furnished, all owner. Victor JiMS, ii i ni.r.u i uiirn; KSSKX UK I.UX1 8KDAX KsstA' "jk CO CI'K 'UN COAI'll iiKviiiii.iiT j.amjao...

IICIISIIN CHUCK I'ACKAitn xkiian. i.ikk t'B 'fs coach. 4 w. Clisnv COACH. 4 W.

B. III lisos liKMll SI'llAN Ill KOV Col I'K. I.IKK nLosuN lammo skuan TAPT 3 for Ice area in ei tea rooma, $3 Aiifiuin Aireucv, 4747 N. Broad. n-.

alaaa. Ill: enamel. GTN. na W. j-ovau.

unf. laC flr pvt. CllHVSLKU. '17 "ediin. extelleiil conditioo.

hentwood ehalra. 11.50: uonnlahed ehalra. COHI'KIl Hl'J, laiiiilrn, K. J. Nicely NAHI1 Ail, ti, l.itu like new, new tirea; Bc.

aale til) fl Ak. Bink Oienr. HmiNff, S. 1'roiit. Neb, 8CJI.

I a VI upeii, NAHM "JH aduinepil Kpiol toiulhler. rmitble new lirei, aooil piiinf and uiolor; nri.ed very ()W, BiHIrr Buick 'o 11. liitoiil. l'im. Open cveiiiiitf.

NASH idstr. "Jtl, ll chi ci. n. iii Ion merit. A a uo ra.

atricr. mod. 10. 7101-11, DIAMONDS, Antiques sijirmun I'tiiia. iiumd.

tip. cur. Hth Ituce. 1.2."i. Clinlr Kxchaime Co.

tlf It VKf.Kll 1H--7 nmdMer. mod'I 7(1, like nrn. rooma, man nli-erliiua. All conva. CUJlllKltl.ANU 70 Itm.

ft kit finn alao 3d fl.rm new. l(c, riiila. N. Broad si. ROOMS WANTED on-.

uiAnu.Mi uniurii. rma. appeiir. lire amM; Ua rtnnttie eat; rompl. BLH1NKNH man dea lira, room, re ti tied Refrigerators Display Cases New and nacd, Standard Hefrlaerator 2.1111 fieriiiantuwn 21HJI) N.

full afreet. MKAT MAIIKKT refrliierator. aire '8vr. feet" alaudard make di.ilay window, aervice door In front. 3 in.

rork-lmard inaiallatlon. aluat aell. Call 11721. il it 11 plivmeut, bal. over vr. a cneiini, vvnv. Antiques private, family, hair time, out of Uia citr Inquirer oftlce. trrni. V.

lifnl. 77 1 UIHXifcJ fcedao. erv lalp model. A-l cuinlT tlou, 1 4 down uayntpnt. hnlaneo In W-at 1'liiiH.

Jiith'k Cheat unt at. CianilP rn. 'kai. ICHIB IL'15 2d floor room, fur-dialled. 1 or 2 fcentli'iuen.

ftl. c*ntlnuoua ROOM wid. In pvt. home or apartment; ttate NASH aediui. mipi jji) iJIT.

ttontlelfiil oil ihlion: Met dm niip fir nl irrut ivc hot waler. Near aulnvay and cara. price ami urrotinuiuuN. aentlemau. W-lll.

KI11K A 1)112. comfortable rm, for DOIH.K tourlnit. Kord rimdnicr. aeveral otli- minirer omcp, iiirec at, alloHHioo tni yonr old ear. Mi-Bear ChrrMrr, U'17 Bloiul.

Mleienxnii AND OVKB 300 OTHEHS vi vk tiavs' nrtiAr. fllKK llllU l(i I BISONS JSAMV MD.VTIII.V PAYMENTS RKK IlKMONft'l IIA'I lov WmiUIi' OilLlUAllOK GOSiERi-scnwAnrz motor cab co 110 ilKOAU ST. ainaie double, all fain. fin. 140

full pi (., nil In K'-od ruii- 3400 SCHOOL DESKS Complete ahelt dcak and chair. $2.00. Pblla. fieneral HtlPldy. 815 Arch aireet.

WANTKD, furn. rooma. all In vl. clnllv Kniadwav A kaiehn Camden t'A I ItJIOCNT. 1SJ2 i frt.

liakui. nniK con. A I mo llupmoldlc 'u Bank I'leiirliiir rioilip. Kruiit. Neh.

HV2i, NASI! Adv. tl ai-ditll am) Mulch, like vun r. Term, l.iipnk.. imm i iiuoren auowen. an conva.

J. Brauch 4 Ridge, nve. A Diamond at. Mle, ir.lfl Cnllowhill Mt. Mir.

mil' A MOt. excelT coiid. clrar- KANKt'tlltM I'K I II. 3 hath, unfurn. UNKI.RN.

rm. for bua, couple: vie. of Balti fllieia tlilA 11 III t'Mfi Xkfl twh Kn 2il. all new. reaa.

iceirent 4IIM. rr-onilUitmi'd in our almin. to aold at a aiTitire: will take trad and can ttnaiire, fnr ypHr. I'lnla. Buick BriiK 'Tv" ai-dan.

IJ7. gd rondltion. nnlj Jijii5 dnwu. raah or trftdc: hntauc monthly. D-Iipat Clirvlr, M7 mn 1 -v" iTTit iTipIur imirmif.

flnf rttndltion. SW5 full l7fl down. rh or tiiulc. Ivilinre nu.iitlily. I-ar ChryiJer, 7 ia I.

tu-n hi lil'irk -t-floor hp.lan. little tnllUKP. cp; fund "tw priced n-awniahit. Piitkr H'lifk Juuktntown. OkoiKi 1)104- tllirtl PVi-l illtfl.

ftl H'KS" '1'7. Ri'diina, roiippB. hII mir Jaruit It tttf itv. tiijH. ui low Sir0 dowii.

Hp in flfi, (It'Orgi'S, NjJJ dj) LI I' fct-tmiarii tonpB witli arnt. viH dcrfitl imd P'l'o. THIh in-tmlP8 Itm d-d Uiffl inauraiRO aud financs charuea. 8U-- h-sii Mt aN I til l(7k inie '-7 a'd in pci f. oria.

puint, nuw. tftruia. Kaj' 4017 I.mlhiw. ItiH phmii, apdnn. inch.

Pr'-f ltHil.a p.w. a re it Imiicaia, tii3, tirus. i arn A 1 7 idl-w. li JHL'H I'-daii. run ftnlr 44A0, miles: new car KUiir.

UiiMit Hunk 1.0..I Ji'mMmmvii. -nit. Hi? 1 HUi li V.CH ttwiau. L' d.Kir. re-1 iivvr Wh-h nrlred verv ri.

Hulh-r Hn Vi Oy.vv-, fii'lViv Hfidjin. w'tndf-rful t'n-j ililion. liKika likf tiw. X7M). Tliia pricfl Jlnancimr clnirn'm, nipatmiti.;ain! Hli ('ASM ST UK NiI.H Knit I UK. A K. i mj. a aj N-r'l'll JfljI lii ii'K. lies Smndunl H.

"j-diior w-dtiii. otijf. Imiiv!) tiin-iiylumt. Vpt I'lifla. Butck i' hf tnut irnn.

8i IS, Oppn pypnln ira. Hi li'K liHHfttlnuii, rc.und. tlin.uiibout. rar Butler Htilrk Jeu- lUonl' L'104. ttpon PVHimtin.

uTif '-S iSliindanl li cmiiw. rumlda arnt. llkfl li'v: low tuihatrp; mud. O'iiir. Walker i BCin-j 'li7 toupf.

low inilauf. orlylual lift int. 1 in-1 rondlilon. includiuu UaaucitiK r-t. iifl acdTiii, U'lil) 5 inilcs, No Kor RPid.

Mr, I'onppr. Orf more with gar, rer. Wood. HCil LA HA I i HKH A 400 i A NBA It ti. new tar hm-iI ear utice: I0'0 new flnaiiiff elmrifea.

Bunk Clearimr "H-mae. IIU'J Open fBA.N'KKOHU 3137 2 Telepbona Kit. UoO. WOMAN wanta empty 3d floor, not RAT) Say, Money Chalra, Biturea un.LULiLj op on tlmeHILLIPJ 1 ftl. 4722 Market at.

oi'l'IMCi'liNlTV i'lxtlirea for aaie. comolele outfit for meo'a or laniea' wear; ttora can be rented. Call All. A Iwn v- open. Knar.

hbA M'lllNK. I'CIU N. Brontl. iirntli'incn or boa, rrf. Nphraaka JtlfT over a mon 111.

i-in, Aiarket ar. DIAMONDS, OLiTGOLir-' Silver. Platinum. Jewelry W. WB BUY old fold.

Vending BttlMiK aedan. fi pit-n. acdan. new alin ELDERLY lady deirpa two nufyrn. bth overs, jq e-ellent eondiiUm: Hill renalnt sitt ninnm.

jj-iwt. lnq. Market at. anr color: down. Jmn-Nnah.

1 101 8 NASH. ll i.rt nimble "ent, alio apec, coacll, unl flU Un. N. Broad. NAMH like new, SIT.0 11." hHlaii 1 0ERMATOWN 4H21-1 larce rm It.

tl'i per mo. Call KadcliH. 2lSo Br-id Set. Mr. HU Hall Plrwlr wiln Weatmlnater cliimea, nau U10CK br ba aold cheap.

Wyo. oLHI-J. Mfr. DulHiK "J7 pxeent ionaM cleiin monlh'4. DiHinond Htale Briuieh.

7I1.H31 NEW Klbla now for arade i.f own 1WI. inortcla of hml, araoe naen cara or without lc only S4J S8 Dodge Roadster IBI'6, eitraa.Strombera need nm i'S'." BOARDING id hi nd nr. prl.c II0 d'lwn pavmenf. hal- monthlv Binfer Bnick; i Jenkm-n -Oil open eienln.M VR Kairmoti it Park U'iwhIIhihI ave. NASIJ apui I "LJ1 n-J 1 SODA JdCNTAIN for aale.

8 nacd 15 price IliOil. Campbell Urn a Store. 813 Keyatone road. Cheater. J'a.

Turn. 2it front r'aima; ltKlit t7.i0, new car mar. $750. 4l-. N.

Broad, BALTI MORK, 4L11 Offera you aomethina; uiiuaufiilv attractive, cheerful, woll-heated emipia. roadatera. Inure elci-lrlc. kh- i ar conv. innu irw nuiiii'i.

rooma. dfoible or stiiRip, with or without Nash roiiti.x, a coueti. Yiirit'lr tin hul I liii.iUw Oil's; KiiiM CHm UIHAItl) 1IW2 Well-turn. room. 1 or 2 private hathw.

coon menlt optional. OeorifeH, N. Brntid, Open ftf. Hit, JIU4' at'iil Icinen or marrleil couple; line of piano. tikKKW.

imiikL'-A. 1 1IH12 1. 2. Lighting Plant S.riS'w. tm li 8AM.

KADItl. benutlful conaola cabinet, with Dynamic Speaker; cat 225; will aell BALT1MOKK 47.H8 Lire. fir. double: alao IlODIiKS, COt TKH. CABS A SKUA.NS.

'M A COMMERCIAL CARS AND TRUCKS HU day a like iipw. will reflmiiicf a in g. rm 3 rooma. bouaekecpiii(.

Si) to 112.10 weekly; lew na dnwn. 4iiH S. Bn'ad aireet rUROAD iS rm. all con- ioilgmK ILM of all kinda. liTTwr SOY 2744 W.

Silver; TPniencpa. IMMHIK cfMipe. In 1 0, eicel. c.tinl."; m7. IjllKI'N.

1.M2 3 rooma and bth. fourth Male XtlO HAZKL 4717 Dea. 3d floor, com -J ave. Pop OS KtSiZSSS floor front. I'uiilar 33l).

f.l,,,l 11 ,2 coal body, Jiialiebullrcbeap. 1)117 Sydenham CHKVHOI.KT truck. l.iloiHi77l.tonew paiol (llbaon knar. Sold will opener nir," fort, nr. brd.

cont h. w.Wdo.iiriti.V'vV ht4 llCH. wlrp wheeU. ijtt, V.Nlra.. JU.7 IEKKN llHll'h' 2-nu.

Iiakoa. aititea. com OAK LANK. 1701 67th frt. rina.

So. exp Jtl aedfina. eo.tppa. rdwlr. and nl I 1 wkl mH ri i dj tip I pref.

HANco*ck 24UI1 l.arto clean furn. nv. b. twin bedai Gar. all iraah food a uraiture fl'i iR1713Poplar at.

Ste. flua rnnnrnKf y.177 NASH 4-paiM. emipe. 6 new tire. Jiur.

LM' N'- I'road, NASH pi rf. mT milT. Sianiey. N'. Brd.

op. pr NASH 400 ae.L, Mimrt mmiiw. llumhle aeat 3 Plfromr NASIJ ae.hin coach. and 4 pna. coupe.

lS- U7.H4:ltl.$4."i NASH '7 aedan. uuar. Wi diiva. A real barg. NAM epe.

or jlrjH. ciui't be 1I4 Brond NASH ciiaih. oriK, paint. od rubber: tpriita. 1 1 -2 'r i 0.

I Ijimi i ir 'ark ave. SH coupe "J7 at and? Bka new, "owner AiUlltKSSOllllAT'IllNO EOCIPVIKNT. COM-PUK I WITH PltTR. MACH1NK. IIX SACPH It.A SITP.

815 AKCjH, POOL TABLES bonaht. mid. terma; renalra. auppllPB. bart-B.

Ijlfe KePfer. 82U W. filiiiril are. Open until ft P. M.

Hcaent 841.1. Cash Registers Spring flarden. MaJ. n.too. Prnad.

BtllMiK Viet. colli" A aed ft mn. ftlil i'T ill wk. Mill N. llroiid ITilMI ir.5 dii.

RrnH.1 ou-'d floor. Willi ne of Tialh. IIA.KI, f.ltK 2furn. upper rlc auit fciilli'men or bua, couple, very reaa. conv.

to cara and Allcuiii'tiy OIHo. BOATS Run, lttn. 3105 Nice furn. ref. bna.

bom com J'rot. cony. Tin. 4 1 9- lLMb. Sinnle or dble meala by day or week, early breakfaat.

iJdln.K 1.8 lHh Ilka new. a harKaln: alno "it 1 Srnro Fivturpa camly. ciaara. drnira. OtOre lAlUrea 1 mil- pvt.

tintti ttle. 227, JKKKKItso.N, 141143 turn. aa. Tolwil. dra.

112 uk aeduna; lermn; lieenjip taifft frp. lluimiobilc. K-HI Cnllowhill at. Bit. 4)4 1 1 tihuap.

IS. 63d at. UOlll.K aedan. V-KH Ho Liivp model, lined very KINOSKSHINO A 4742. very dea.

conv. to train trolley, eic. neighborhood. Kith. 3141 Nicely furn.

rm. with board. 1 1 i 1 for ent I men. pyt. am.

Hag. X7TH SW2 Km. and board, lady or gent honip fooV.lng. Itnd. lit fonpi fnr mile, Hrlnmnt HWi.

linery. lanit, 10t N. Sill tt. 1)1 1T Ua'ed ciialra, mirror caae. rAAVI511iXV.i3 electric cllp-pera.

I.eo C. Benlix. ttlB An tt. nine. niKHE bpii.

lirK'B fHa. luw flOMn Day mpnt. iMo VIiip at. bal. IrnTK bar- )) pnvate oniipf mut p11( A A L'U aedan.

aerlea 4KJ. S1S7.W) Uu 1 year. Nntional. tw N. Broad at.

op HtllMJK tjrnhain truck. 1-iou. panel body, ei. el c.uii!Johiin'a liaraue. Hop at UOlKili aedan.

'7. lale aenea, like now. Ue- lbth. 172'- Rm. 4 board for ref.

man A wife or gentleman: all conTa. Home cook. on nreier Qua, penpip.ret. woo. 4.t.l.

KINOSKKKI nfrtli 2 furn. ant a. liahr inkiux. pi jv. entiam p.

LKHHiH dea. furn Kcnilcmen or bus. cple. (Jood loc. Dia, 51 no.

Ai.KXANDKB UAMII.TON Bualneaa eonrae. complete and In perfect condition. Slate your or fer K-1 Ml, Mar et at. 49th. 8,.

0.T- Sincle next to bath, elec cont. h. home cooking. She. hOlci, hrypr.

lw7 N. Bna (1 Kip. f)04 DOHUK dp luip aedan. latp '7. prlniia oh ftUW-W.

DOlHiB 11)7 roatlatrr. aiandard alilft, App1 171, W. Wnauno st. price will rnriaa ran: ierm- KOKI) truck, aleel ly. prf, wni'TITi Wi llllre a7 NASH jbi'H Adv.

ti aedan. Ilka new. baricaiu. eol 'hi In. 1'7 I'll N.

roa OAKLAND roadatpr. latp model, 'like nw. nniilile aent, npw tirea: aae, ante jmo hal. "1 yr. Hank Clearlnic Hoime.

at.r XpIi. lM24. Always open. OAKLAND conv. coupe.

llS, like new In every rpspect. ntmblp sent, niekel-plated winter fnttit. xpntlight ami full iport euuipmt, OeBeur Chrysler. X. Broad.

Nte. 3lN)4. ttlHIIS. 112 RF.I'RIliliKATOIlS. everything for the meat.

arra-erv and dellcate.aen. new and uaed. eaav lerma. H. T.

Bimilall ft ID KO. Tl. Imiifela with tubes, brand new; coat JI38. wlib I'vuamic Sneaker. LOMBARD.

141 itt (DoitKtana Hotel Colored Bet I hop, niHid and it rill aeryice; auecial SOI'TU PHII.A.. private familv. will board two, ne.i Nary Ya rd. MS. Nli'BLY furn.

fl. front, twin beds, prir. balh gnd ahower. She. hod ie.

iu DOlniKS. 5 roads. A 2 mI.iii. JlTi down. weekly rate H.

Rniney. mananer. tiroau. In l.t-claaa alupe, n.y KajaiiiniBe HTJUdlow. LOCI ST Ono, lame furnished rooma 'tM'' ron a UulMjK iIp lu aed 'I's.

hke new. run H'ry httlp. $I7: or tPtma. 2147 N. 7th at.

Our price 14n. 144 IV. nun. artraettve. n.

w. Nierwoon hmu. JADIO EQUIPMENT Onnlin, dot to 13.ot) doa. Mllltex SUBURBAN T.OnAV 17.1.1 Bellleld nicely fnm.

cur.e.1 iruck. llcil. Hieap; LOC ST. Nicely furn. elec.

tout. run- filn. L'lil Brown at. 1'np. ttlMl-W.

ITTlfK 4 p. lli-H. rr buioed, upw tub- licr. mu Bunni'a. I -14 y.

tinnid at. Jtl I' coupH, iipvv pain A ntli- Tli'Kn Motor Bunting I'k. TiI'li li'jii pxi-plit'iit fnndlifon. War- Pliilo, X. Brmd.

Open vfa. Tn Masipr fl. 4-w1ipoI l-rnkf; muat be v.ifi for N. -ih tJLCoJL4-UM. BlT'K roacfi." Jr.

li. '-'7. fine cond. Har. Ouar.

Aul urn Au'n y. 4747 N. Broad. ltr.H:iM. 1CK ciintmt ha ttd frnoi tiw, i.iuir.

Kuc. Aiihuru A 7 N. Brad. Iif'if Krt I latfl niodc'li. 7 pan, ppflain.

Frpi t.iga. PM N. Brnml Bl irii ioiifliitf. A-l new pnint. good ritU.

snip clipan. 3J7S ATiMuif Ifiv Iiifa moeh. OK. good i i rfL f-iMI t'liPii Pj 31 vr.R i due av 1 1 I ri'd. iiiodol.

ia A conUUitio. 7.V 'MM S. ht. lloalery Mllla, 424 Market Bt. OA LA Ml JatP orig.

Paint. hm aeai icnji.) .1 h. pvt. conv. to bun.

it car lines BADIO makea. new heme, auit. 2. exi. table.

X8 ea. Mic.1ll!i,1 BIS. nationally known. imniniM SKI'S, i roritiNo. m.

ciiaven kp. ynx ijiahr rtoiiblp bar. i lauardB. coaater mcvci.l.;. LI'DLOW fOG.

pleaaant hiiikIh room. OAK LANK 1701 87th ave. Att. room. 1 Broad BOHtiK kedan.

lata price $273 nrake, riaa tirea, eio. termi If MI uiutiein, a- it, r. PSlirfm 'nnf nonta PnaVl TvPtriurpY'st bought.aold.ei.hanged LidSIl XVeglbbCia Ridge aye. t)mr. eondtl iinieil nrittl riail.t- X'H N.

Lawrence RADIp cablneta for Custom built seta 1(143 French 2 peraoua. karate, all freah food. Mai. 0SH1I. CHII.URKN School aac taken to boa id In aub.

borne. Kxcel. motbera Ogonts fllW-R. CHII.IiIIKN' taken to board In mod. aub.

home, achool aire. reaa. Pox Chaae 377.1. pvt.fnmU UAKKKT. MAM Ige.

and amall ritoiin. renaonnble. Alleijheny loio. MARK FT. Kum.

all ac-couiodntiona. Call Kvo. after 6 or all day Mon. VKKNON. 1H1Q 3 furn.

pvt. lat ig. frf. reaa. Pop.

fiNj3-W A11110W. 1(1 ft. frame. moa REFRIGERATORS g'ZtX neHirPU. J44 JV.

rl'rl at. BolMJB uon fastpst B'oitr" roiidateia, 1 "''V Jlroad ft. BolHiK delude ap.l. A ppw "tlrea. Kim Lftt) n.

lit 1 Woi at A lw open Boiitiis rondsier. 'L'fJ, m-w tirea, many es" 0111. like new. an table for v.n opreaa, hia Iciraaiu. The 1 si.

i. 6 ft- very cheap. SODA founlatn for aale. Service 0.H011 at. 41L'4 Lancnater avenue.

0KPHAM8' COUBT ADDlTINn vnCT BeBear riiryapr. 007 Hip. Sfai4. OAKLAND. iWdieH.

-wri. lljlnwn. Broad. OAKLAND "J7. oriif.

paint tir('a7oiiar SatTiilce. Auburn Atiency.47 17 N. Broad. OAKLAND aedaii. eoudit lnu.rr nnl' Jaaper at.Keuiliijtinn.

OAKLAND spurt road. HHcrifice at $115, full N. al. PIKItm-AltlioW. '2d.

)rnck. 3'i tona. Ift.ft. ''MiyjimmiBTrppf -Kiral-claaa II0U perf. reaaoiialiln I.I.

II. 324(1 at. Carhoid 2al. Hroad. Aln open.

BODtiK dp luie latent '7. like new, lQ (la. an-'T. UM Vood. Alwa.vwi)iiei, a aVdau, lilt prf 't, ruhlipr.

an for 4iw wondprftil N. Broad. SMITU-BARNKS upright piano, roll-too desk STORAGEJ United States Storage Co. I'JNR. ISIB (Plnehuratl Desirablt vncanHea, ruii.

Vtaierrentmi; rinaoiialde.Kin.ih-t7. PINK ST 4 10 Furnished or one A Toom M78, POPLAR. fl. nicely two bath, eiec LMHM.ii aedan. '21.

perfect can fin for aal reaa. Oranite REO 4- SPKKI) VVAUONS. In flint fl-ryl. moilela. 34 2- anil ill.

All rulmtlt nifiti Limekiln pike, ril. llanro. tM.Mi. Cash Registers DolHiB '7 aedan. motor A- aen.

appear. 571B VINE ST. Er. lSfi w3 Mf? nwo new. aaf.

for hal. due, h. 41H Vuip. PLAYER Ptnnn. bedroom aulte ft amall ar- ihwem ai(t ia.i.i-i.

i SiiMKItsWT 1911 Urge, well fur- anteed. lrma arrauaed. RKO PHII.A. (til. Rebuilt Used Trucks ton.

Varloua other makea, Kvery one a ha'r- DoiMiti, cabriolet. 3.MHI nL, all ub' a. Ogonta ave. MHJ. HI 7 avdiitia Mnater fl.

low price. Jlc ol 'J i i I Hjjl 'o L'l! 7 "'I Broad nt. Bl'lT'K jlMi Other li no. Api iini Sijrlnp 1'nn. A LTl i .1 A 1 cnniif, iiorf.

ootid. New tirpa, Kn. a Wnlkur CudlUflc Co, en In u-tr n.0:'tif i' tir'S 7-OB-. apdana. ninhed.

cheerful room, jtuiirMlkp new: will flnnnca.4t;i2 Brond. OIL BURNER lat clan condition. lor aala. HUACKAMAXON ST. llC'tt iNr.

liirard ave. ata.l Km. for 1 or 2 men. nvt, fam. Gar.

IMIRAXT. aedan, part condition. War- neap. 5 an i ypriice OAKLAND lu'js "port roada aed. New tuar.

A ajo waJ.VKI$;1lj n. 4U OAKLAND coach, a re huv at Auburn OA LAN la ndnu aed. apt. IP'S 1,11,1 nl'vBarnii a.1U N. Bnl OLDSMDltlLK.

4'door aedan. nipch, cnnif. nauif and liraa 1st r. 110. 8iu.H Ardmort' ave.

Choiip 'lHtnut DIM OLnsMOBli.B, idan, porfpct Liriion I'hila. ti7 N. Froad. (tn. evea.

aaln. No nuance cluiraea. IVI'Klt-, men rmia. in. ti( 4.

HroHd. open Store Fixtures ilOVI.NU TO STOR ARB FR BE Thla Monill. Laraeat movinit vans in the East. Wanted, load or part loid from ftoatoti at onep. Special rate thla month.

We go to and from New York, Hartford. Springfield. New Haven. Baltimore. Washington.

Harrisburg, Scmnton. Plttuhurgh and ail intermediate pointa. $t). $40 and up. Moving tlnne la modern padded vana by careful, experienced meu.

All aoda Inaured. Personal aupervinion on alt F.stJmntee abidly given free. Bar phone. Slier. 7375.

Mailt Phone. Trinity ltiUl. J.paiit. iid. Vol low miteagp.

CJuar Hk No. 440 Orthoplionic. co.t HC1 perf. our price ami, n. ruin.

tipw a I kr radii la i i. rAiillJ.AC, 7 liinniisinp. Trv Kood ninM Nt'li ip't'ount Apply rmnhnrlii'd t. ol. ISfl.

VKTROI.A No. 711. coat 118.1 comp. with tuhca: our price n. 144 n.

nun ESHKX coach. 11)27. compit'tpir retlntslied and 1 nnditioii-d our Biandard of gunrantep; lt pavment, vpar 10 tiar halanep. liin, fcfSHV eoach. lai meeh.

liood pinnr A Urea, ane. Bring tatfa A drue LLi' 1 'l? 1J 1 1 7J 1 d' 1 IfiSSKX nllr '2H model, like, new. aar. aala rin-- 55 wk- Wank Clearing House. U1 N.l'ront at, A Iwn a open.

NjljON llarveat.T 2t'iT. N. IBili St. TKLKjKS inaain new plan. l'J2ll ami xnuyixo you cent dnwn.

only amall weekly paunenta I ruck paia for aelf. All aiaea. alvlea and J.2i0 1J 1 at. T.r. HIH2.

A open ACCESSORIES, PARTS REPAIRS t'KNDKHS. beat aloek of ned fendera for all makea of cara. taweat pricea. Plilla. Fender Bialy and lladiator 1373 Hldse ata Poplar and Race 47N4.

0' KB LAND, cninh. lw7. Fitip car, Ht)o. Onar, CAliTlJ.At: itnT nip nriv. rm int.

like KKSTALRANT flvturea of all descriptiona. iii fHio. lift wk, Bank ripar heap. N. fith at.

Market 2iwn. OAKDKN. 1H comp. furn. bakpir.

anile, -H priv. bath: unfurn. 3 prlv, ioreli, every 7 1 wk. HlMTTNTiLA RDKN 1035 Furu. two bath.

,10: next baih. 17; gaH included, con, roplar7.J-J. Sl'ltrcii. l4-2H iBrHmonde) or an ET 1 1 rea. Kin.JJJlHi.

SPHPCR, OT'leavde. De. flna'eA double, priv. batha, reaa. Sher.

477. Unfurn. in-dndlng light, neat A Kaa.forlltM.thajalc. SI'HgiiKllANNA 1H, 2 unfurn. 1st fir.

or Oia. SOI. j.lic. B.1.-14. i'ACKAitll aediin.

128. mod. 6 'JH. (i-pi. Ihia olferiiur ia uiiuuial: complex delmp luipniPiu: oriciiiBl nmh and eondiLion; BIlOWN mi 1ISP i IT.

AO STONK cheap, from Broad st. sub lint Itdif. iiH't Fr'oir xt. A Kn. CATiVl.T(rs.

diiii. latt 1927. Apply 1 Chard avnun. way. F.lkina Pivmg Co.

Ph. Ere, ritual. SODA KOI NTAIN. Green make. -622.

In- FfMKX roach, jrnnd pond. Wp will mid-r anioppmituitty to own car aa irnnri hui DOUGHERTY'S STORAGE 14-4 N. 2ftTH STRKKT MOVES 6 ROOMS, $10 PHONKS: PttPLAR OR POPLAR 0463. DAY. Mt.HT OR SUNDAY GET our prices on long distance work.

Beat services, lowea pricea, padded lana; go anywhere. Kalimate free. dar. night. Sun.

For-nt i lire bought taken In eju banae for moving. CADIII-Ar ndiiu. In good citnd. Will aar. .0 oilirer office Mack.

4-cvl Autocar a offer on his car. Kasy lertn. uothinic dowu, 1717 N. Mth at. TriulfT iMZ.

QTHRTi' TTIYT'Q ahuw caaea. new 2d- at aaine aa avptate lower-urbed new ll1 Th -If 'T I 1 1 nii ljJJ I'Ai KABDS, rebuilt and repaintL new uivivmui. elie.n 112 11th I. Plerce-Arrow A White truck Al Allto I'alutiiiir Hilcii mod. price.

N. Beonn t'l'itircalpr N. 6Q-M. ltiiinuit. xrel.

s.Y U'Jl A-pn HiHTt, Baring CUKVKiti.Kr'.ntp'TM Inndaii ardan, late 1'J. -wl)pl brakfi. A wonderful car. vrv cheap. tun- an L'lttir old with 0.

ff tllllt RCA No. 18. comt'let, with tubes, listed i'r miieaire; all or new ear I.enlr,-.l Ailto'l opA Hmly S.2(llh HIS. our orlco 7il 144 loth at TORONTO. room, light bath, bar windons.

bear aubway aV ii cosr. neat Chi a I I SI fai. ESSRX cnach. itooi motor, new paint ft rub be rt 1 $211 dn. wk.

Mf. Bron KHNKX coupe. Itt te "'7. nrie. paint, new Ore.

Jiunbltapat.llkpipw-.'li.'t.jj'jn Brand vwfne. ESSE A '27 coach, new tirea. $15 JI.40 wk. IB Wood at. Alwuya opeu.

ESSKV aedan, coach, coutw. prae. new. CI.KVKLANO food uiolur A aeilan boilv, cheap. 4liiit Jtialnir Sun.

Mich, vttii Alliance Moving nlano for aale. Howarl make. reaa. Apply 2220 N. Broad aireet.

STOItAGB f.ocnl T.onir Dia- train, reaa. Tin. 74i'S-WJ lAiKAii.i 0 aedmi. WP wm I1)Htie miMita. (iilifon Aulo Wurka, 30-12 lUmford SODA FOUNTAIN, elec.

6 ft. long, very good YINU 714, rooma, douhio and aiunle. reaaonnhlP. tnnce Moyera. 2,128 Praiikford Ara.

A NT KIT, loaila or nnrt loads to or from Haltiniore. BI'ICK aliape. -t. inur UTirRenve fillowancp nB V'ilr old X. Broad, fit p.

p.irta, molor, alaiiilard enud 4lilll Ttieinar Sun nve. AllcJi. 27Ti. will aell chp. ill nr.

2nd. Mar, anna. order helo i lie! resoect ire'Ve'i rt h'. '0? d.7.k 0t Aum fct-S ROOM 426. MONflAY.

MAY 10 Pies)dant Judgt LAMORELLE. WILLS iTiVior W. imtn. Ut. Eram "rmr M'rt W4.

T.i. H' U- Kg. P'-fidellty-rhlla. Kxecutora. Clney.

Kg. ''Veintors11 Nltiberr at lSj-ciark. Frank Trust Co. et EieciDora. 16 t'lay.

jcuher F. B. Edward B. Clay. Ft.

eoitor, 17 cim. Albert K. Frtnkford Tr. Ad. mlniairator c.

t. a. Anna M. Roland 8. Morris, fcyeeutor.

l-Colea. Charles H. Henry gcarhorongli. Krecutor. 20 Collier.

Clurlea A. Henry J. Bebmat. Admlniatrator a. t.

W.U.I.ACK. 1112)1 Nicely fiirnialied bouaekeep-1 Waahlnatou. Richmond A nolnta South. Scran. 1AI KABD aed 1111.

recond, i'aikako aedan. bal. 1 yr. Nat.A HtiO at. looka like a new av(.

fliiei peniinf. CJrKUliH.T' ciVh. perf. like new cur; (jIVismi guar. Sold with O.

K. that founts, piim- lemiH, tiihaon Auto Worka, 8fM lliiverMrd an. (pen evpinngs. Srnro Fiyi iirfs thoar caaea, bi variety. HHtD fordor aedan.

i'erfpet condition. 1, wm down. 171 Ka ian head. Hock. aitpeibiiiiptpr.

I.ii'lt 1 "LLLT POOL TABLES, 25 each. 813 Jitawater at. ln auitea: also alnala up. liovaiiou. llhaea.

(itlca. Rocheater. Bntfolo upper home totliiedopleopJaJ18l)8. York State. Hurtforil.

Spriualield. Hoa- VVAIACT. 4P11 Beaut, furn. frt. 2d ton: alao Plttaburali.

Cleveland, Iletroit and next to hw It. prly. gentlemen pref. pointa Weat. (lootia lo.ured.

padded ynna. VVACNI'T 5718. Vils lift, for free eatlmatea call Nehraaka f. wheel. Walton atahMatnra and niaur othfrl BACK ABD Siimle 6 ItHaiaa Meiti, n.l I i CIIKVHOLET coupe, late D'Jrt; a litllp beau' Walnut 21NK.

model Ftud In town. Ktcpllent low mileaep, M'alker tadlil hUfi Full aale. gnraae aet. 10-lncb special price. oup.

Priced riaht te- ewVar: aoid with "'VeHr mat c*nta: ey t.rma. filb-un Auto 01 rmi" ii.vnrfnDi PVPniiiL'. Bear hrvwler. P07 lie that Haverford. Open pveninta Mtitt complPte O.

K. fK' 'wn. oaontA 'Jfi 1 0. I'ACKAUD act) lain model. pceL com) mi Rrnad at.

Ste. aOH4. w. kooi Hia. 11 pvt.

entrance, liranlte 1547. WANTKD LOAPS OR PART LOADS Works. 2 ft FT. plate alaaa fl, show caaea. Rm.

610 tn and from Huston. New York. Baltimore. saiP SHki wk Bank Clearma AUTOMOBILES WANTED IS YOUR CAR FOR SALE? If 80, DON'T waate time. A effort trylna tn get a denier or Individual who will actually pay aoot ca.h and ive yon a fair price for your car.

We pay Hie hlnh dollar lth no atrinx attached, atiot caah. lo 111211 If financed, we clear tlllo and pay yon ilifferrnce. ptiiuie ia. D11Q. day nr evening.

at oxck ai.i. hakim ami vk1hki.s. hiohkst cash ritM'KH PAMl XKr IS HKPl.KK SAC. VOI'lt 'MM K. I I'KK I A I.

MO TOK SAI.KS. I.AM'ASTIilt. OI'KV F.VKNI.NfiH AN1 8LN-IIAVS. PH. BVKIMl 37ial WaaliliiKton S'l.

7(ll I nearnut. rnnti. AUvav-i open. Washington. Richmond.

Pittsburgh. Cleveland Detroit. Chicago or en route. AWNTNt.s. pew and second-hand; -hadee.

FORD Studehaker Moon Cher Ford coupe. Studebaker rd Dnrnnt apt Palae brotiabam. nthera: none over I "OTtma, 1fd a.l 5 p. 1'liei 1On FORD aport coupe. IUL'8.

almost new. ruiuhle 1.1 i 4-paas. coupp. Hil'M. excellent aigns and window lettering.

aell. Woodland 72'JO Katea DAVIDSON TRANSl'KR ft STORACS CO. Long Di'taufft Mnrinir Specialiata Call Belmont BA RY COACH, $.1. moat )0: alao apat. fully euuiPDed.

it. ft: tradw Tonr old I'ACKARD. tiiiBlP aport phaeton, model -J "-atii. play atroltprA plumhr. II v.

Mic. WALNTT. 2HIS Altractlyely 1. 2 WAI.x'iTt. 2122 t.te.

attrac. twin heit kitch'e. a lao ain a le d. WALNTT. 1119 ll.P.NOIRI Clean, warm.

homelike day. i wkly. Kin. HWI4. WALNUT furn.

liaht hakpg. clean, tncl. elec, hut water. WAL I In It In a lae. frt.

rm. for 2. alio ainele ref. mod. home, bua AL.

Ford, easy forma. JieRear Cbryaler. Uo7 N. Broad t. Rtevptiunn 3ihi.

CUKVKOLKT ILM. wmchea. 1l7 coahea. cabrioleix. iamlaua and coupph.

JtO-dar auar Jfiw as $LTi dn. li wefkly. Keyetora Aulo. 43U CHLV. lati'lnu aedan.

lota exrraa; diwn: balliHin tirea. Diamond fctato Vaed Cnm, .5 i) ml BalTinmrg. Allegheny iW7 cluicli, rH, pe'rf. court, like npw, $105. hpv.

eouye '27. new ruh ori((. paint. 9M. CfWlKfiV.

ATJH WINDRI M. '27. coupe, SaO. Lan. aedan.

Auburn Uli Snriiiit Garden, pon. '2W, MANCRK. 2A tona. from grain-fed caltle. per ton.

CLARK RKP.P. West Cheater. I Al A R. good ahape. cheap: must ive One iiovrn ruKR KsTAHr.isHr.D irsq FORI) COl'I'K.

'I'll. 1ST-CLASS CONDITION; lhe Exchange Storage Inc. 1 "Jn te. fr, in t. 1 o.

4 BKKRLKSH coupe. JHL'7. with rumble seat new rubber, aood mint. In Picpilpnt me. LPON permanent wave machine, slightly used Bnrgain Apply 2.111 S.

Broad St. a mii.kai;k: an nir sin nv. BAL OVKB YF.Alt fiKHM A N'l'O WN BACK- AUTO CASH NORTH ElfiHTH STREET PHONK COLUMBIA Call Poplar ehanical contNllon; will aacriilce for auiek Allll. til KBNK rHKLTK.V. (

0 1 Iii: IT PARLOR equipment. 2300. oniT-NuBh. 1101 S. Broad at.

See SEPARATR ROOMH PACKING, MOVtVG FORI), new ptnn. nnthimr vet vu aet car CALL AND INSPECT OUR iVARFHtH'SK at once nnat aniBKina olTer. nanm nlnn nanced wa will pay off rnor cltaritea and nivr ron balance. Lot AN MOTOR N. Br ad.

IT. yr a. Wvo. lA lwnva peji ALL MAKF.S of new nnd twd inotnr cara. 1 olher fam.

nuikea. Aiwaya ofien. () S. 4lt, WK WILL be in Roaioo on Thiiradfly. May ad, can aceominodate a full hnd buck.

alo HOUSEHOLD GOODS FORDS. L'Ori'KS. KKDsT. 1 KKIII.KSS conpe. Willi ruuiliie aeal.

nriaiual l.auil. nooil tirea. 6 K. Wharlou Iilcnaide. Pa, l'lione)laoiitr.

101 7 VV. I'l: Kit I.KSS mralel 4 dr. aed Tehowa yery lillle liie tin I.V,. rjut or 100: brlnir cht and title: loan to auto loai a to and from -New i ork. Halt imore, .1 Jk "7 all from S3.r nn- neeit n.i.m ahlni(ton.

Plttoburxh, Richmond and Inter 100 f. PLItFKCT N. BROAD HP 4IKI2 Allr. cheerful, bright next hath, rcllned home, nr. L.

car tk bua. WKSTMOltKI.ANU IMS. furn. lirivnte liermnn gent, near 1.. VVII.I.INIi ItlN ST.

-V 11122, large film. Sril 1 lu'iaou. for 2. -1. WILLOWS Dsjri 2 kitchen.

1 1 1 uu bua. couple pref. Woo. 7.17H-J. V011K 4.1412.1 Hour fr.

rm. kiteb'le. Jewish pref. Michican 4421. 3111) 2311, 1 turn, room and bath.

accond floor, on nera, A ent l'liila. Lret 1'ied Car Mar-k et. iit. cit. Mr.

Kd wa rdaJ. ra. mediate ttointa. ttiMidt Inaured. A.

ft ft. Stor aire Cmnpanv. N. 1'h ulreet. Market 21 Collier.

Maud M. Sart S. Uattbewt. Ad- mliustrairlx c. t.

a. 22 Coons, Samuel William Rot Cooper Wat. WASHERS Demonstratora and Maytag. S105; Easya and other standard makea jr.fl and up: aea them in our showroom, one ami one-half an. W.

of st. Terminal. Delaware County Maytag 71 OB Market nt. Phone Boulevard FORDS, Alfidef A. 4 dr.

coach." cntpe rumble teat, iport roada, $10 dn. 4-JO N. Broad. son. Kaeciitor part Alert Storage fis mil ft to or from N.

CHLVROLKT lltd enneh. aacriflt-e for imme- jifitp a'lle. Good condition. Dufl Naih. 1101 ft Biorift t.

Sew Mr. Shaw, "J7 conch, oriamal paint, r-wl tires, pitch, perfect, Inta etra. aac, Si0, terius. Yi nra ge. 4QI7Liidb'Wat.

CUKVuitlKT H)'J7. llun verv little. Onlv $110 down and $'-'0 per De-Re'1 fTh -der, 11 7 N.B)QH d. Pte. H004.

CHKMtoi.KT cohcIii, (veititli. ruaiUlera and Inle low a a $75 dn Iter feet aj.ano. T.OoK THLM OV.BR; tma. 4i.T- N. Bd.

ttlKVUOl.KT '-7 coupe, a beaut, car la ierf. orift. paint, gond tirea. aac. $'rtO: A 11' 1m thi.

Kay'a a a eJ 0 Iudl w- h. 'S. niei li. runs FiHIOS ronppa A laie ninrtela aooil annpnr Jt New Haven, Harrlabnrg Williamatiort Atlan- AUTOMOBILES TOJIIRE tic ritr. UiwoiM S2 un or X.itic a mi p. Diamond Stale. TIL'll Woodbind Ve. Oonda insured, padded ran. Phone.

Fox Chaae 23 Cop, Margaret 0. Truit C. et Kteciitor, 24 Cuiinlegham. Mary Liberty Title Bad Tmat Kves'r. IB Cnrley.

Tlplen A. Helen M. Era. Administratrix e. t.

a. 2ft-Dau. William A. Augustus F. Dali.

Ir.i CONTRACT for ft-ton triu k. Will fnmhli bodr, FOHD l(i'J7 rum. new paint, me. h. I SACRIFICE ct.ntpnta of beautiful home, living, dining, bedroom, lauip.

porch, almoat new. Waverly 7Hhl. DIN I. NO RM. SCITKH, wafnnt veneer.

worth 25. floor aamplea. Wiaar'e i hibitlnn Building. R. 2d at.

mint inicif lo inr work. 'I riai. inninrer niT luw ex first 1-S takea it. Fay'a 3rd. 2111 enf 2 hakpg.

gaa. elec. 4 heat lncl. All newly decor, lib. HSU lire.

unf. cheap. Apply :141 Mauler at. Phone Regent VX. Norlil Broad, PCKIII.KSH '27.

oricinal uaint. tirea a uu rSa. A acne 747N PIPIIl'K "fill" maditerf rumble aeat; ve-r ila.v; of estraa: en.v terma Cr.ii sca.I.'.ltN.lJr,,adillpei,eve.lilt;f, Pl.VMllCXH nimble aeal: like new: teniia. 7.171.

UtiT'28 cahriolel. riiiubai'atii tierf. looka new. lota aac. t'jv'a oarnjfp.4017 Ludlow.

PONI1AC He'll apt. almost new. exocT fl wire bal. 1 lal-da coiir Jloaker.3L; BroadAIva ya open PliN'I'IAC '28 coupe orla. paint, TltCllldl'.

tire Jl, ILnCt 1.. 1 fit Tin 1 et Kneciilor. KoltllS ATLANTIC CITY. New York. Baltimore.

Washington. IliirrfbiMg. ycrunton. pitta-hurgh and all nolnta en route every dav. HO, i.

I'm and up. Ph day. niahl and SundHv. Pop. Doiigliprt.v'a N.

1'Q'h. PERSONALS Coupe, A lale aood appear. A 27 Davlaon. John Indnatrlnl Trust Kxeeiltor. 28 Deker.

Francis J. Joseph W. Deker, Hi- and look! like new, aac. terms. Fay'a 41 h.

Itm. nicely iiriil.lied for gentle. ma rl reamnnlile. Wvomilig 5th. law 3 large for bakpg.

all conva. mir. rirtvllege. 1'ul. 3137.

Bth si. 131)7 Two unfurnialied rooms. yard. It week. g.ia.

electric Included HA MPLB houae furnlttire mtut be aold: nn reaaonable offer refined: living rm. a 1 1 dining rin RL'li urch lane. Ye adon. 2 handsome Wiltona. 9x1.1.11. ladder back hall chair, elec. floor lamp, imported pnti'li ruga, almost new. Dia. 10220. S2 TTPr Rm tnr nolnt in city limits Ptl J1" prided vana.

1 ma. tir Snappy Dance Orchestra at liberty for dancp hall or hotel. lri. Imiufrer. Market street OaraEejttil 7Lu'Uow.

Banna CD KVRO'let "(t ori mh. perf. i "ooii loiii.iaiiiono niaie.i IL'D ave. Polio '15 and '2)1 modcia. pprf.

Tina. Poan. Blli.jlpji'vi., KOHIt model A phaeton, tonka new. mech" t'Pi'rjiiicyHPV I'ay'a 4'H7 I. ml low.

acuiur. INTESTATES. Abramaot. I. reel Koa, Abramaon.

Ad- minisrrarriz. looka Kood, Kiie. 1145: biina take free: furn. taken In xh. for morin.

Active Storage ft alovtnir Service. RltT Locimt at. CARTKNTKK, nl-ciaa. on complete altera hoinp. Fav a (iarairp.

I.U'llow. pimiip, rcn. M-ism: nignr. Market tioim, Dutch Colonnadea, stair, porch at. th 710 2 well fnro.

hakpg. 2d fir Bill. h. newlr eaa range, alnk. I'HIivnuLt'P '-'7 liupertal landau, orlninal paiiit, nieeluinicatlv perfect.

$7 lncludina B. HOUSTON. Srorngp, Piano ft Furniture piti-loauren. aded. kOeiienf, reaa.

Schmidt. RLOS Unclaimed fibre, grnsa ft wool, all aies colon it half price. AtminWer Rug M1W 2:.0 Kenatngton. Reg. .1102.

30 Ackerly. finla Kosauth Rmalla Ackerlr. Admlniatratrix. .11 Minnie-Margaret A. Bunn.

Ad- phone For CliHe 1 1.1 others SS.rdl: lodging Pent lie. flinnrlnir riimi-fs. it.r.'o hem mi ttt. I I 1 .4 1 cub. -coupe.

Jll'JS. ruiuhle Beat and full alwirt eiiniiimeiit. pil-ed rlKlir. ea.v (ma Oi'lteiir Cbryaler. 1MI7 N.

Brond. Ste. 3KI4 aioving. appciai ratea on ron Distance Hftjtllntt 110.1 N. at.

Siev. 77-0 nialratrlx CHKV HIiLKT coupe. 11128: real hutsain for 22153 7: 2 for or 1 fnr $3: housekeeping: other Tacnncles Fl UMTITIE. ii -room apt. Call Sunday.

Kabn. Chatham Court Section 49th ft Lot-nut dib. Young French Journalist Prench Ipaaona and conreraatlon. 1208 Taaker at. Oregon AN I KD Toada or part toada from N'pw V'k 'T Tic.

by the 11. Sehlff Storaue I'o VI I a.0. lale '28, cabriolet, like new, mar. car of ihia cuifa: act (iiiicklv on tlna one, Packard. Clinton.

Wnv. flTor. HUM) 211 nn.lcl A caiiilor lell from Le wsii L1'jr. 1 I Jll" IDlItl) piod-1 A coupe, ruin. acat.

like neiyMSKa2.ariiBe.j(ul7 Ludlow. FOItn nit, alinoKt new. na rS 2J Un. 13 1 Wood at. A lwayaoieii.

folll) roadate'r, IH27. New lin'-a. Jim full Piua Apply N. luh al KOItn. '2S.

aoort coupe, mod. A. new ciif. KiiaT $2.. yr.

181,1 Callowhlll. tip, rv.a tOIIS coiinecttna liht. hnknir. -V'j-'P'ar nr. aiaraer hi mi.

CHF.VUOr.lC'I' lanilau acilan. perf. niechnnlcally yard, litfhtft month. LlVINti It unite, handsome mohair, almost new: also davenport table, puffet mirror, perf. aac.

N. 2d st. Tlo. 4iS-M. Sth 1S07 4 nnf.

rina. on 2d Bew ll.vr.ja 1 ljllo till ln.evea. Pi'M IAll ionch and ronda. '28. oric.

pnint new tirea. guar. Sue. Anhiirn. 4747 N.

Ilroail. f'ON I IAD aedan. coach like new' flfiu tf. llrond at.

aooil ptnut. caav nolbinjc down 1717 X. MH at. Trlnltr asa. flMTN'KS.

bngaaae and apartment moved. day and night aervice anywhpre. Phone Pop. or Pop P4H.H. Dmihprt.v'a Storage.

ly papered and painted, reaa. CHKVHOI.KT aed. coach, '28. orlit. paint A Sth.

1S7 Bedtm. kitchnte. completely 32 Aikman. Sarah Anna Bradbury. Admlnlt.

tratrli. 33 Alllaon. Charlea W. William H. Allliot et aL.

Adminlstratora. 84 Baldrick. Joseph J. John T. Baldrlck, Admln'Rlrator.

i5 Raptlate. Kugent J. Julfut B. Baptist, Admlniatrator. 36 Rennett.

Alary Anthony If. Bennett Admlniatrator. 37 Bloomer. Ltwrenc, J. John Bloomer.

Admlniatrator. 38 Bomzp. (or Jonna) Call Borost. Admintatrfltrix. 30 Hooka.

Blair Franklin Truat Co. of WK aiOVH G-rm. nouses. $f4 up: all pndded rivca. auar.

ac. Aiinurn. nroan elec, gaa, h. ninmond ii.U--.i 'ONI'TAC. 111211 aedan, like pew car.

Marmon in, vv RnHQiipnanna. uia. Oth M. Wnlnnt. turn.

2 rma Polt real siairr. nailing at Deal Taland. Call or write. Harry VV. Windsor, Chance, kid PhoneJieHl IDT 22.

Reliable confidential Invea All problems. OP'n eveninga Rraiy 1.1IHI VV. Veinnan at. Tinea KKKLR with larvre car de.irea poat- tion with private family, htialueaa man vr doclor. P784.

liupilr. office. I Wli.L not tie reapon-lble for any debts hn- Tesa cotilracteil by nivaelf. Albert H. Knt wi.lle, PtankTord ave al LOCAL and long-distance moving, prompt aer- nuia.

if Hroail. tlpeneyp ItKo KlviliK Clou, a. '211. vic- BKAI TIFUL furn, pvt. home.

Hr dfnine and hpdrfmm aiiita. Oriental rngB, almost new.J4S W. Olrwrrt are. Sie, Dir. 3-PC.

living rm. anit, perfe-'t electric waahpr. miacellaneoua Imnaeh id aooda. i i( 1 1 a nd R.iy.f.m.S. nrt ha LEA INI CITY a-pe.

silk mohair Iking room auit. frame top and hoi torn, like new will sacrifice. Ureenwond 1..73. Itos. model A.

aed. and coupe. He l.llveeoiiip'lt7iln.328N.Ilniad. Ilil.l7r.2. K011I1.

'28. aiKirt model ATnewcar 2 hal. 1 vr. 1 SHi Jil I lowlnl I POIIl) aport wire aUo Aldliytr, nk.llll N.

acillin. iFko new suar. S3S Jvr, 1.1 1 ii llinvlnll. On evea. '27 tamlii'ii aedan.

beat coud. lSn. te. ma. llooil Molor Sale, H4I N.

52dat. I irkvnoCK l'. 1H27. cub. aport roada, 21I5.

21V dn. Hi wck. Sial N. r.road. tonaa, factory aunrantee.

apecial ii. is, lat: pop. ,1.14. WW MIIYK tl rma. for H.

day or nigiit, pud ded vana. I'lione Allegheny (101.1. 8w k.jja I I'en. t.o lOlh 17- Single and double clean. unlet lioiise.liot wnler.y up.JViil.

7T 10. 10TH aoK The Murlltoro furn. run water, elct. Summer ratea 4 week ft np. iow price, una wee.

ray lime Oieao cara are in except ionnll tine condition Hen I'hilii 227 211 N. liroad at. leicuat IIHl.t Alna open 1-TON truck to biro. 7 day: 8 hours: driver roi.u ludor aedan. liruata owner.

Call Admlniatrator. 40 Bradford. Dora John B. Bradford. Ad- minia)rfl)or CTIKVHl ml.

A I.KT In ii.Ihu ilrivcn onlv 30 biif aioliiir. linroii'a, 11M4 N. llroml. YACILM CT.EANKH Premier, almost will aacrinct. HO.

Gartleld 2700. ornisnoii gaa ana on evlra Haring 4770, RIIilA l)S local A long diafauca hauling H. rtiiaiiuehanna. Iteg. at once, all lp.alrumenla for ladiea' PIL5 aiilau.

In 'vcaimori'iann at. KOItl) '28 ''A'- couoc; pvceltcirt i ondiTion" 7J.Hroa.V0p. evea PRANKI.IN actllin. SOOil run order orcheatra. 140 weekly, year contract.

4o RUCiS on the deferred navment olan at cash pricea to home ownera. ppaco*ck. 22 W. 5d at. inin at.

1UTII ST. 44M. bdrm. ft kitchen. 2d refinpd.

Othervacaiiciea. 11th. 2 furn. hnkpg. gaa, elec at.

a ta I an jtt.Ml iw ee k. UTH H'l' 'JiGO. 3 unfurn. fl bus. or elderly couple; owner: month.

41 Bradley. Margaret Arthur P. Eeegan. Administrator. 42- Riltknor.

Kmpltne L. Fidellty-Phill, Trust Administrator. 4S-Burk. lyinl.a fc. Liberty TItIt and Tmat MOVINli.

low rale, wliile waahiiig. cold water pn'ntine. Cellars cleaned. Stey. (17-M.

CHKVliiil KT 1 l.Uli is-i'vl. aedan and each. I I keji tmtl tn 'a CHKVllol.CT tourinu'. nil new tirea, pr.t-cla'aa UlelL'h t. 3201.

CIIKV perf. "iTlBr. 23n. laiac nliolouiaiilia tit lale John. tow 11.

Va L1N0LKDM. Inlaid, beantlfnl oattema. JL25 her. new baiicry. tirt Una) tiikca ii: nwner jlcmonrnte.l1lrt Svdcnliain .1.

May 31. 1H8. Phoua Poplar or CARKPCL moyera. fi I0 on: part load to th i a i b. i'encocit, s.

zd at. N. I1II1 aireet. lltA.hi.l.v sedan, food run. order, yoial ruh Mle.

lill, MOVING J4 price In' clty llmilar Furn. boug'bt SCREENS ioor freen to excellent condition' will aaerllice. SI HI) dpwn Dlilf-Na-h. 1101 S. Broad at.

See MrSliav. STITlKltAKKR Klaudard pir. jTc'Vl model. A-l cond. Will for J34.1 "ill llnance.

West l'liila. llul.k Co 4733 Open "JH. "J7. big Bel. jjikI; daygiuir.i;eorjie..

y. Broad. Hit. 241)4. Sill IK HA KKK "I'leTfolenl 8 tia.

driven iBilr Wa) reaaonable. Baron'a. U44 liron-l ll'TH HT. 200.i Lnfurn. 2 or 4 lnt atationary waih tubs, large yard; elec.

Included. Dm. lo.0. i'r. new nailery, nist Sll) lake.

It: owner hai 2: will demonstrate. Hill Svilciilinni at BEDROOM suite, complete. American walnut, perf aac. 3519 N. Tin.

SMITH'S velvet ruet 9x12 aeamleaa. good oat-terua. JH8.7.V Peaco*ck, 22 St 2d at, ui mr moving, rire. LOCAL and long dlatnnee hauling, padded van rate, rena. Sle.

3002 112 N. at. LEAVING CITY must sacrifice my fl rma, of 1 1.1 dn. BO k. 13lo Wood at.

Al. open CnKV. Iiiinlaii or coach, pi-if. con.C. new tirea; tcrnia.

K. Clicltcn ave. CUKV 1H1LKTS. aed. A "almost new.

IMi-da. auar lllj Wond. Al. nnen. 1U27 cna.

h. licrfeiT flra't yjl'i lukei II. niipmi.htle. Cnllowlilll. IfOl coach; ccl'leut ctmdition.

S3 14 llnverford ave. lobblna. fiftlS Snnaom St. fira. 1774.

cVVlKNTlNU CKLLABS and white ipc I a 1p I i r30dn. plain pdfi 4 7j NOT any billa made bv Mra, ny ielin-kfl. Slii(iuiTAnl hon ielen nki, MASSAOB and bath, select patrnnnze. An- Tnrnmire, practically new, reaa. All.

Bl4fl. fl rm--8 "torage. hauling free. Mi.Tp 2.tH Daunhin at Diamond REDRM. auitea.

8 nca. wal. veneep and UTH. I'taiti lat 2 rms lire, y.l. with It.

wrv. Dia. BrjLfl 12TH 044 2 front newly cnnipl pie, fj'r lis kpa.elec.i nl 12th 2 or furnished rooma. housekeeping, electric. 7 IfS'Jl Furn.

room, 1 ac. to Temple I fi mln. centra city via Subway. PH A NKI.I N. couoc.

priced low. Marmon Co.li77NIlrniii.Opr'n GB.llAM PAICK u'da'ii, 11128. ere, comlillniT. priced rlarltt your old car In ti ndc. hnlance nnunly; 1hi7 N.

Broad. tilt. Ml AM 1'AlliE 812 aedan. praclicallv new lliipmobile. if.

OUT. Cit.MlAM PAICK aed 4 moa. old. like new" dn. )lp.

Sun. 422d N. Hrond. a tree maurpsa. wortn ytiai.

1 aer a. s. bnaaador. 14 S. at.

fen. 811 ULIIAKKR llt'H lllctator coupe, and oth-era. like pew: sac. terma: liceuae tag, free niiiuiiphil.ini Callowhlll. Ilir.

IM)1. ENTIRE honae of beaut aac. for quick aale. Roosevelt Blvd. MASSAGE hra.

10 to 8. Open Sunday 42 S. Broad Bt. Room 2. cb.

late onlv run few thou. ml. Hllp T7i tlDL i'l Til. Sac. i '27 fcedan A coach, excel, cond Marmon l'liila.

n77 X. Broad C-i 1 1 lioLK I' four-door '2tl. aooil condition x. Alder at. BEDROOM SUITE.

Am. walnut, glnaa top hkfat. suite suit, Ora. 11.47, EYKS rxnmloed. (rlasaea.

SI: artificial avca In- HI DSONS. '27, aediira and coaclien. 1ar aerted. l. A.

I. Levi, 73d Hanaom at. nil, Alwaop STI'DKBAKKR. flrat-clana" cond. tnnrinir vnr HOI'SEHOLD furniture for sale, good cond.

13th. 17-ti Cheerful, bright furn. rm. gentlemen, with or without run, w. Ste.

imi.17 ST, 7T4. rooms, heat, con7. to cara. S.1.!i0 ft IToonnrYfi Uni-lia for Rhenmatlim A rnnop nermaiirown niiv. PVt OIP.V Knl.ET couch.

"Hnrr: very reaa. lli'jn. excel, nrjer. lack. jwysijmjwjj ALL ELECTRIC operated rndioa at reduced orlcea because they were used for demonstrating purpoaea.

Radlola No. 17. fiU: At-watpr Kpnt No. ftft. 7U: Maipatlc No 71.

SIL'ftofl MnjpHtic Ng. S14U.ML The above are all etiflrnnteed acta and aold on terma. If desired Phone Nehraaka 1U-47 or write. Heppe'a Put Storca. V.

ftt Jv BAHY GRAND Pluno )0. Heppe ft Sn). nearly new, Several other used pinnos. Franceaca. 4fiO: Lester.

40O; Marcellua. -H Sehomaeker. Three yeara to with California top. $ih1; en termn, noth' Mth -t. TrlnitF 4.:..

LIVINO rm aititea. floor aamplea. $ftfl. oloae 1401 bath, kltch're. 7 hp: 5 CtlCV.

coach. '28. like new. price $3)10 for NOT RKSp. for any debta unless contracted 16 th, nath.

kiteb'te. dp; alngle. edan. aplendid coud'n. S193, hy Demhton Allevne.

03H N. Wnoditork lwri K'nmition Hid 9 -'4 2d at FI RNITLRK for aale. K. Walker. 30i Maacher Philadelphia, jlii'j( rue, term.

Join vine a. I. '28 "J7. auar IIIOI KIHKI. 1110 fcl at.

1BTH. 31)10 Attractively large frt. aedan 4-niimi 9-n. next to li. all reaa.

SACRIKB'K 7 rma. furnilnre. very reaaonuble. 2.1 hal. trim.

Stinley N. Rid, on ev CHUVSI.t:RS "JS aeilana. coupca. al nnpe.nll ennr. dn.

N. Itroad at. 17TII 032 Comp. furn. hskpg.

suite 2-3 priv. bath, alao 3 mis. 1 -in iocuar at. rninypncker 440. S'tTOLDAKKIt aed.

'l'7. Fine cond" SACKIFIC.E Contents of a fnDv furn. borne miiv on terma. deaireil. Write or 'phone.

prlv. poll. Kvi'tv conv. e7-10 wk. elec, treatmenta, expert operatora.

w- Btfnrd. Houra 1f to 7.30 P. MASSAOK Klectro ilierariv. Colonic irriuation nJ FLOOR acrap'na ft old floora reflniahed ihy bandor electric machlnp. Bnrlnif 08:14, ELKC.

Pettrlnaaae treatmeniv batha. Ant. 4417 Pine at. Hra. 11-8.

Rye. 1147. lieftp. Auburn 4717 N. Broad.

Mic. H.V.4. bal io-day miHrantce C.eoi gea. HI'DSON ii-paaa fedan. Very gnnd condition.

flimr. Will finance. Walker Catlil- fihintown ti.onta OsON brouaham. estpl. tond, tbrouuluint: e.ffHi down pavment.

bal. monthir Butler Puii Ogontg I0I. Oil. eves. riLDSON U)S aedan.

eceMentt-oiidiTit7nJUr- 1' N- ron1L Open evei HI'DSON coach, new tire7 8unr7 11 ha 'ili wlt. 1 5 Wood a (A 1 wopen TII'DSON brou. '7 o-ig. pnint. A-l cond" IirOSON coach, tood motor, verv clean.

ft5 ft wpi'k Mnl N. Broa HTDsuN coach, late flue motor, aac, fort ora Tcp.fl pus N. J.awrence. CT T' vvaveriy 7tn. Nehraaka ftt-47.

Heppe'a Uptown Rtorea. St. Ample parking apace. STUTi 6 7-paaa. perf.

conT RTtos room al7a. ta.Ofl to 7.50 ehofee pat. terna A colora. Putnam Mill. 92 Walnut for entailer car.

Uaraxe. Miffhn it. ESTEY PLAYER PIANO, naed. Rood playing condition, benutlful modern mnhn-nnv 17lh. 20332 beaut, pnlDted.

papered, elec. cont. h. dlabea. Hnena.

silver: rciluceil rent. Slev. inns. 1711). WIS.

large welf furn. 2d (I. front room, near hatb. suit, two, reaa. Phone.

1HTH. N.T 3328large. well film. 2d fl. frt.

private adult refs Ml.l, aedan. new onint tires, niust be aeen PpmpntintT white waaliina and apra.tina. jK stvrial day rate. Din. A most luw, 25 uu-ila.

bill. 1 rr.i Onnlier, 3L'2 N. llrond at. Ahrai. open.

UI2H aadan. "TlT" run i200 milca. Sep tlua car Big sue. Term arrani: 'd. r.ejgea.

2'u Broad. Open eve Kit 1,8.18. roadster. nirnlel "Ml" Lota uf Pktraa. nr a big Terma.

f.cori;,.,. L'iiii Open eve. Jilt. ClllnSI.r.l! coupe. Hc'lt.

Only full Tiiide old cor. Ln.y terma on the hal. Chrysler. 0117 X. Uroad.

Sle. 3IBI4. CUHVSIClt ''H aedan. first-ilaa, aliaue full price Butler Buick Jenkintowu rmonis 'Jim. oi.n YKL1K coach 'L'S.

run 0410 miles, like new Anply at Market at. Slier. 0114. Oriiiinalty aold for sr0. reduced to $.185.

Several others from $ro nn. Uood values. Phone Nehrnaka ftl-47 or write, Heppe'a lipiown fi (iKNHi.NH Victor Victrolaa at reduced prices. Administrator. 44 Hntynski.

Antoni Eugen, J. Corrlgan. Ad-miniatrator. 45 Cnlliunb. Anna Chrlttopber Collumb.

Ad- mlnialrnlor. 46 Culmarv. T'ltaaes S. Norman B. Colmary.

Adminiatrttor. C.CARDTAN'S. 47 Berger. Ceorte Tradesmen', Kat. BaBlg and Trust Biibstlluted Guardian.

48 Caldwell. Anita Clarence F. Coulter, rtuniilinn. 40 Cnrev. Anna Leydcn, Teatamentarv Guardian Cary.

Marian Provident Tmat Co. ef Guardian. CI Chryst le. Calvin Heal EatatarLand T. X.

Guardian. TltlTSTKES. 52 Bafliff. Fraanr R. Bruct Wallac Trui-tee fur Mary Bailiff.

53 Beat ty, Robert Annt L. Bcatty et TrnalepB. 34 Betalr. Lawla The Penna. Co.

for Ina. on Llve, Truatee for Lewia P. Belair. 55 Rover. John TV.

The Real Estate-Land Title As Trust Trustee. Brill. Blanch, Bank of North America and Truat Co. et Trustees. Hinry H.

The Pi nna. Co. for Ina. on Lives, et Trn-teea. 58 Buckler.

Edward Thr Ninth Rank and Truat Trusiee fnr Alma C. Brondhcnt, 59 Castner. Catherine L. Samuel Castner. Trustee.

60 Caatner. Samuel Samuel Castner. Trualee. 61 Chamherialn, Markin J. Anthony A.

Hirst. Trustee for Joseph S. Chamberlain, 62 Cochran. William U. Bank of lWlh) America Trust Co Trustee for Aunt Bond Peters 63 Connelly.

George L. Corn Exchange 7at I Bank and Tr. Trusiee. 64 Cox. George S.

Eiiaabath 0. Selbcrllcb 85 nabnevT Charles IL Fldelitr-l'hlladeloliit Truat Company. Truslct for Mai'v lav- 61-Daly. Augustine P. George Hart.

Tru-'ee for Anna C. Muroliv and Aueuatin, JVlctoria Charlea X. Miller. Trua-tea for Margaretha Itleger. ROOM 4il Uunday.

May II. 71)21) Judge (JEST WILLS 1 I.angheck. Emll Margaret Harrlty, Admit-Istrutrix. c. t.

a. fc 2 Let. Mary Agnea John T. Frederic, Executor. 8 Lenta.

Emma Lydit M. Lenta et Execntnra. Ellxaheth A. Real Estate-Land- Title A Truat Company. Executor.

PninHno ''laa work don ctlllt-lIIK iiji H. Hr, UtaV. HI NSBKROKR aold Blgar alore. 331 VKLIK 4-door aedan. motor like new.

aood vv Indiana in k.sIkiw N. 3:127 Furn. front very comf Smcle or double. Phone Tioga 7147-R. CLKARANCK of 2t dre-a(, V- to 25.

on notify g.v. iyn.825 Rltner ilar 2.11)20 fieriin Tames, jiuh, intn street. ftlOilll.K 11lL' and model. 4 e.tBl! MASSAftK. clpan narlora.

efflcient oneratnra lo-t. in. itroad. ron, cioaed isundav ELKC. ft nettriaaage treatmenl.

batha. Apt. lormeriy to now 2. Five, formprlf 125 to 160 now Thre. formerly IIHO to $223.

now 150. ComnletP Bat mailed on reouest or phone Nehraaka 94-47. Heppp'a L'ptown Storew. inoO-(W tjth; HOW A It VINCENT Send for catalogue. Phone Market 0432.

Several miniature baby grand pianoa. ronait. lug of several Stein.vay. Weber. Vincent.

Deck r. Chb-kprlitg. ranging in nrire from lUth 2122 Nieelv furn. bsklg. rina.

with JL ter wk. 10th S.ViO NlceU furn. rm. for 1 bua. person, couv.

to Tiiura Stn. aiidciira. 2tTU. 47.17. Wayne JcL Nkely furn a 1 1 con vjjq tt rni ft troL.

jeii a Wyo. 20th. 1 Rooma, 14; electric, bath. bj WIllI'PKT coach "27. eJvcel.

real bx tS. DoUce aedan 'I'd. bnr. at AUo arHinng and tonrlne at 5 to $m) 1 in ea ri and Rla'mg Sun a vp. AHIl'I'KT "21.

like new, 'jr do" 1 'U 1 LLJ PpnpTenmea. WHIPl'KT H127, 3 c.iatliea. verv clean. X-J5ri 7 r.i at rmi 1LT.YS KNHilli' Ifl'S Model 70-A aedan. ana I coupe with rumble eat.

priced from to STciO; yonr old ear taken in Irmle: enity terma on bnlunce. BeBear Chrvsler. Wi S. Iiri'MOIULB de lue aedan A T.ltT driven i.vk than wo a big aavimt Raion'a. KM I N.

Broad 112 A.44I7 Jme at Hra. 11-6. Kve. 1147. t.HHVSl Lit '211.

orig. l.nint. like new. aac aIe $27.1 Slid .1 wkly, Bank Clearing I' 1 I CIlUYSLKTi. 75.

town aedan. private owner H'lH ate, fall Ogontx st. DRKSSMAKKR Neat fiiil'her and fast hand GKIIMAN imllce dog, 18 for sale, clipop. Call Hilltop 1012-W. pw.n on Biiic nreaaea tain ar.

POLICB DOCS 131 FOR SALE. APTLY 443 K. PF.NN ST. SI75 op. Eaay term.

I2-S44-846 HORSES "-Ian. coupe, '211. mn leaa J'H) yr. fino N. Brond -1ST.

144. nicely furnished rooma. board Dl I'MOIULR 6 aedan. 450. Cluh Med.

'U. Aburn 14)9 Suiina Garden. lW BOSTON" pupplea. bilndle. nicely marked; rnRvsi.KR 115 Jlr.n Mill) ml.

1 i'7-211 N. Minn wiVTii r-treot. open evemnna, reaa, l.oc. 711,4. dovvn: mechanieaMv perrect; condition Mkp new: durlnit our snrine aale licenne tavra KOOU OIIJ.1 ft.

iri) ar. I 70 aedan. Ueo Phlla. nd. Loc.

01113, Alwav. open. 21. 118 furnished room with kitchenette. PONY ft HARNKSS for aale cheap.

Applv 1HI2 Mnrlhorongh fenif nf fitrard ave.) ULPMORILE. 20. aedan. rare barn. Mar- aii'i r.u canons oi aa tree at uui-sh Hul Blond at Sep Mr.

iuh.Ji"., jim rt.irriao.ilpfi eve CHKVSi.PIt 70 brougham, coach 4-dr. sedan J2U.1 S21 7 wk. Mm N. Broad. POLICE, highly worth HHIfl: mnat aell; aac.

for goon boiop. loi'l) TIIIIKB laillce dota for Apply 448 Eaat HOWARD VINCENT Hetnl for catalogue, phone Market 042. Reauiiftil mahoeany 'Cunningham miike) plav-er-iiiano. like new. S0.

orl.iuallT coat 7i0 North Sixth atreet. Open Monday eveninga. HI rMUtill.K '-'( cond I (Ion. nrivale JtUMMAGE SALE ihi.) S'KMull I aedan. mod.

70; an even nYvniT. nrti-p bii n.Pt HCPMOHILK club aednn. ori mia i enn at. CHKYSI.KIt snort phaeton. nte '27.

like new pcclal ai'Bta ,171. 221.1 Urandvwlne at. nnd amootti rnnnuiK car Ui hue shape; finih in bine: tires are alt good: attrac CHoW, black, male, for aale; ft years RCVTMAliE 8AI.E Thursday. Mac 2. 0.30 A.

M. 207 13tb at i iriningMW ter. 1 ao single roo 23 lib 1743. 2 nnfurn. i'nd fl.

front. ajl modern conyenii-ncea. week. 201 t-ge. coimd.

room. pvt. fam on i i en ti 1 t-a. 4J Xa. a 3ii 1.13 lartre furn, hskpg.

je rM-eek, nearpark. Kvirgreen hN''7. 41 Larae well furn. room. 2d floor.

next bath, al auit couple or two gun-t lemon, reflaoiuibbv Jin 1 -J 1 Vina De Lup used Verv tive pri'-e. at t4erninntnwn Packard, Greene mil, cneap. noil) at. AUTOMOBILES WANTED HOWARD VINCENT Send for catalogue. Phone Market 0432, Stemwa mahoaanr upright (apartment A i.

lie ll en avenue-i. 1M21 CANARIES V1LLYS KNIOMT. 'U atnlan, t)-dav CARPET CLEANING in fine eondition 140. 83tl-3S-h40-h42-844-M6 "Iupcuiu fqiiipineni Teriita 0 nll vni. n.

aixtn at. ttpen iionnay evenings. FINE SINGING HARTZ little. S-JOO 1 NRroad I BCPMOIULK 1P sedans, ft and 8 -evt. ovpV- hauled.

ciiar. Ren Phila. N. Unl JKWETP coach. 1D'.

meeh. Bod paint and ruhber. Apply Monday eve, a. Uppn PVP. Kit.

4t)4 Telephone BABY GRAND PIANO MOUNTAIN CANARIES WILLYS KNRiHT Hrand new. rumble 4Mh, 244 Attr. furn nn. (twlo 29 tt 1925 Aataa far Yerk 11 stanaara ma ke. nrn noaany case, will aat- nt-Hi, unit run muea.

may tP kVU at 15.00 Each namri. rav tlor, Thaa Phi a. neei nwoiio t. nn'-e. win arranie terma to good parly IngnlTer office.

iiiihit woior iiih p. uronn. rhnpd. mod, home; reaa. Eve.

51t. '12 Nicely for 1 or 2 aentle' men. all near 1 reaaonable. It, Andreasbitrg Hollar Canaries WILIS ST CLAIR, coupe, good paint. A-l QUAKER CITY RUG AND CARFET CLEANING CO.

1123 to 113 EAST COLUMBIA A VS. Cleaning and Dyeing Ladies and gnta' wearing anoawl. hn drlph), D.alcr, If Finanertd. wa tlasr bllli and gay van tt'. difference.

Spat (, 729 8iaailjy. N. City. a. V.

$7.50 Each 61 33 Nicely furnished room, private GPARANTttED rebuilt upright planoa. pricea (175 to f29ft. Mat mailed on reuupar. Sold on terma monthly and up. Heppe'a Uptown Hll.l.s sr.

CI.AIHK rd. new paint. JEWKTT Ch. 2fl. 2-wh.

brakea. balloon tires yimt full prtee, 12M KJtenji ve JORDAN Una. 8 roada, Rcant. car. (Viiar.

Sac AiibmnAgency. 4747 Broadl lc flrN, JORDAN Vict, coupe. and 4-donr aHan joverhau'ed ft S25 rin. IMVH nome. ran fMierwoon, wu.

These are th flneat songtera of any canary arl aM oilier fnmy birda. iucimtma hna- nv bt art urea, rings, naileries, reaa. 1 lo. 4'JSI WILLS ST. C1.A1RK rd.

new-iiirt I always open Prcq 3 Lev. V). F. WiDiain. liittt.

Executor Loimnker. tlsra W. Penna. Co. for laa, on Lives.

Ac, et aL. Kxecutora, rttftrea itm e'r. EIEf ffflC reprodiicine grand piano. fit perf rond like new. War.

D21JI Imilenes yeas. 'I IO. 4.M 52d ft MARKET vie tie. frt rm tw hA. 2 gentlemen or rrnjple.

no other roomer! unMmrd nlioTie. Ora. SIM 4 or All. B7.4. 54TH 2.VJ Larce furu, suit busl uet-i couple, conv, to rare.

''VtH agyai a a. a I A-arlteCJk1 JOKOaN ma Thrtisnea. tiouinnctiea. UnUnnche. Bra it I CttrdhcOa etc.

Largest and test stock In the 'ity to alpef from, EC VAHI tmiwrter VAnLt 31 jtARKEI BT, P.ii.t g.Hi. Oriental and dnmpntie riiai, car tieta. lapeatriea, btanketa, mrtalna. Damp Wash Laundry, lllns iI.Tv"0;' t. rubber, 2,8.

1449 62d lik new. aac. 1214 N. Bio) PIANOS THNKD and reiwired by expert. A.

Korlh 130fl Chtitnut street. od ut. Continued on Ntxt Pag.

The Philadelphia Inquirer from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania (2024)


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Author information

Name: Jerrold Considine

Birthday: 1993-11-03

Address: Suite 447 3463 Marybelle Circles, New Marlin, AL 20765

Phone: +5816749283868

Job: Sales Executive

Hobby: Air sports, Sand art, Electronics, LARPing, Baseball, Book restoration, Puzzles

Introduction: My name is Jerrold Considine, I am a combative, cheerful, encouraging, happy, enthusiastic, funny, kind person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.