The Art of Ticket Selling: How to Craft an Irresistible Ticket Website - Osum (2024)

Planning Your Ticket Selling Website

Before diving into the process of building a high-converting ticket selling website, it’s essential to lay a solid foundation through proper planning. This involves understanding your audience and setting clear goals for your online ticketing business.

Understanding Your Audience

To create a ticket selling website that resonates with your target audience, it’s crucial to gain a deep understanding of their preferences, needs, and behaviors. Consider factors such as the type of events they are interested in, their demographics, and their purchasing habits.

Researching your audience can be done through surveys, market research, and analyzing customer data. By understanding your audience, you can tailor your website’s design, content, and features to meet their expectations and provide a seamless ticket purchasing experience. This will increase the likelihood of converting website visitors into ticket buyers.

Setting Clear Goals

Setting clear goals is an integral part of planning your ticket selling website. Establishing specific and measurable objectives will guide your decision-making process and help you stay focused on what you want to achieve.

Consider the following when setting goals for your ticket selling website:

  1. Increase ticket sales: One of the primary goals of your website is to drive ticket sales. You can set targets for the number of tickets sold, revenue generated, or conversion rates.

  2. Enhance user experience: A user-friendly website can significantly impact ticket sales. Set goals to improve website navigation, load times, and overall user experience to ensure visitors can easily find and purchase tickets.

  3. Expand audience reach: If you aim to grow your customer base, set goals to increase website traffic, improve search engine visibility, and engage with potential customers through social media and other marketing channels.

  4. Build customer loyalty: Repeat customers are valuable for any online business. Set goals to encourage customer loyalty through personalized experiences, targeted promotions, and exceptional customer service.

By setting clear goals, you can align your website development efforts with your overall business objectives. Regularly monitor and evaluate your progress towards these goals to make adjustments and optimize your ticket selling website accordingly.

Understanding your audience and setting clear goals will lay the groundwork for building a successful ticket selling website. In the next sections, we will explore the steps to create a user-friendly website and strategies to boost ticket sales.

Building Your Online Presence

To thrive in the online ticketing business, it’s crucial to establish a strong online presence. This involves creating a user-friendly website and utilizing mobile platforms to reach a wider audience.

Creating a User-Friendly Website

When building your ticket selling website, prioritize user experience to maximize conversions. A user-friendly website ensures that visitors can easily navigate through your site, find relevant event information, and purchase tickets seamlessly.

Here are some key considerations when creating a user-friendly website:

  1. Intuitive Navigation: Design a clear and organized navigation structure that allows users to easily find the events they’re interested in. Use logical categories, search functionality, and filters to enhance the user experience.

  2. Responsive Design: With the majority of online users accessing websites through mobile devices, it’s essential to ensure your website is compatible with different screen sizes. Optimize your website for mobile devices to provide a seamless experience for potential ticket buyers. According to Social Tables, utilizing mobile platforms for ticket sales can significantly boost sales.

  3. Fast Loading Speed: Slow-loading websites can lead to user frustration and higher bounce rates. Optimize your website’s performance by minimizing file sizes, utilizing caching techniques, and optimizing image sizes without compromising quality. A fast-loading website enhances user experience and encourages visitors to stay on your site.

  4. Clear Call-to-Action (CTA): Place prominent and visually appealing CTAs throughout your website to guide visitors towards the ticket purchasing process. Use compelling language and design elements to encourage users to take action.

  5. Seamless Checkout Process: Streamline the ticket purchasing process to minimize friction and increase conversion rates. Implement a secure and user-friendly checkout system that accepts various payment methods. Ensure the checkout process is simple, intuitive, and optimized for a smooth user experience.

Utilizing Mobile Platforms

With people spending 51% of their online time on mobile devices, it’s crucial to optimize your ticket selling website for mobile platforms (Eventzilla). This allows potential customers to browse and purchase tickets conveniently from their smartphones.

Consider the following strategies for mobile platform optimization:

  1. Responsive Design: Ensure your website is responsive and adapts seamlessly to different screen sizes. This includes optimizing layouts, font sizes, and button placements for mobile devices.

  2. Mobile-Friendly Ticketing System: Utilize an online ticketing system that offers a mobile-friendly interface and functionality. This allows users to easily navigate and purchase tickets using their smartphones.

  3. Mobile Payment Integration: Incorporate mobile payment options, such as digital wallets and mobile payment gateways, to provide a convenient and secure payment process. This reduces friction during checkout and enhances the overall user experience.

  4. Mobile Marketing: Leverage mobile platforms for marketing your events. Utilize social media platforms, mobile advertising, and SMS marketing to reach your target audience directly on their mobile devices. Integrate your ticketing system with various tools and platforms like Facebook, Wix, Square, GoDaddy, and WordPress sites to amplify event reach and drive ticket sales effectively, as suggested by Event Smart.

By creating a user-friendly website and optimizing for mobile platforms, you can enhance the online presence of your ticket selling business. These strategies will help attract more potential customers, improve user experience, and increase ticket sales.

Strategies for Boosting Ticket Sales

When it comes to running a successful online ticketing business, implementing effective strategies to boost ticket sales is essential. In this section, we will explore two powerful strategies: implementing scarcity marketing and leveraging email drip campaigns.

Implementing Scarcity Marketing

Scarcity marketing is a powerful technique that creates a sense of urgency and limited availability, driving event ticket sales. By emphasizing the limited number of tickets or limited time to purchase, you can create a fear of missing out (FOMO) among potential buyers. According to Social Tables, scarcity marketing can boost event ticket sales by up to 226%.

To implement scarcity marketing effectively, consider the following tactics:

  • Countdown timers: Display a countdown timer on your ticket selling website to create a sense of urgency and encourage immediate action. This visually reminds visitors that time is running out to purchase tickets.
  • Limited ticket quantities: Promote the fact that ticket quantities are limited or that certain ticket types are selling out quickly. This creates a perception of exclusivity and encourages potential buyers to secure their tickets before they are gone.
  • Tiered pricing: Offer different ticket tiers with varying benefits and prices. By limiting the availability of tickets for each tier, you can create a sense of scarcity and entice buyers to purchase higher-priced tickets to secure additional perks.

Leveraging Email Drip Campaigns

Email drip campaigns are a highly effective way to nurture leads and drive ticket sales. By sending a series of automated, well-timed emails to potential buyers, you can maintain engagement, build excitement, and increase the likelihood of making larger ticket purchases. According to Social Tables, email drip campaigns can increase event ticket sales by 20% on average.

To leverage email drip campaigns effectively, consider the following strategies:

  • Segment your audience: Divide your email list into different segments based on demographics, interests, or past ticket purchases. This allows you to tailor your messages to specific groups and deliver more personalized content.
  • Provide valuable content: Offer relevant and engaging content in your emails, such as event updates, behind-the-scenes insights, or exclusive discounts. This helps to build anticipation and keeps potential buyers engaged throughout the campaign.
  • Create a sense of exclusivity: Offer limited-time promotions or exclusive discounts to subscribers of your email list. By making recipients feel like they are part of an exclusive group, you can incentivize them to take action and purchase tickets.
  • Use compelling subject lines: Craft attention-grabbing subject lines that entice recipients to open your emails. A compelling subject line can significantly increase the open rate and engagement with your email drip campaign.

By implementing scarcity marketing and leveraging email drip campaigns, you can effectively drive ticket sales for your online ticketing business. These strategies create a sense of urgency, exclusivity, and engagement, motivating potential buyers to take action and secure their tickets. Remember to continuously analyze and optimize your strategies based on the response and feedback you receive from your audience.

Enhancing Ticketing Technology

To successfully operate a ticket selling website, it’s essential to stay up-to-date with the latest ticketing technology advancements. In this section, we will explore two key innovations in the industry: Ticketmaster’s innovations and the utilization of Event Smart features.

Exploring Ticketmaster Innovations

Ticketmaster, a prominent player in the ticketing industry, continuously introduces innovative technologies to enhance the ticket purchasing experience. Some notable innovations from Ticketmaster include:

  • SafeTix: In 2019, Ticketmaster launched SafeTix, an anti-counterfeit encrypted digital ticketing technology. SafeTix provides enhanced security measures to prevent ticket fraud and ensures that each ticket is unique and traceable (Ticketmaster).

  • NFT Marketplaces: Ticketmaster unveiled NFT (Non-Fungible Token) marketplaces in 2021. These marketplaces allow fans to collect, share, trade, and sell digital collectibles related to events. This innovative approach opens up new possibilities for fan engagement and memorabilia (Ticketmaster).

  • Ignite: In 2023, Ticketmaster launched Ignite, a 360° connected experience that brings the best of live events directly to clients’ apps. Ignite aims to enhance the overall event experience by integrating various aspects, such as tickets, interactive content, and more, into a single platform (Ticketmaster).

By exploring Ticketmaster’s innovations, event organizers and promoters can gain insights into the evolving ticketing landscape and consider implementing similar features or partnering with Ticketmaster for their ticket selling needs.

Utilizing Event Smart Features

In addition to Ticketmaster’s innovations, there are other ticketing platforms, such as Event Smart, that offer advanced features to enhance the ticket selling process. These platforms have evolved to adapt to the changing needs of the industry and incorporate various functionalities, including:

  • Dynamic Pricing: Ticket-selling platforms now incorporate dynamic pricing capabilities, allowing event organizers to adjust ticket prices based on factors such as demand, time, and availability. This strategy enables organizers to maximize revenue while ensuring optimal ticket sales (Event Smart).

  • Mobile Ticketing: With the increasing use of smartphones, mobile ticketing has become a popular feature among ticketing platforms. Mobile ticketing allows attendees to access their tickets directly from their mobile devices, eliminating the need for physical tickets and making the entry process more convenient and efficient.

  • Social Media Integration: Integrating ticket sales with social media platforms enables organizers to reach a wider audience and facilitate seamless sharing and promotion of events. This integration can boost ticket sales by leveraging the power of social media networks.

  • Data Analytics: Ticketing platforms now provide robust data analytics capabilities, allowing organizers to gather valuable insights into customer behavior, ticket sales patterns, and marketing effectiveness. These insights can inform future decision-making processes and help optimize ticket sales strategies.

  • Virtual and Hybrid Event Support: As the industry has adapted to virtual and hybrid events, ticket-selling platforms have evolved to support these formats. Online ticketing systems now offer features to facilitate ticket sales for virtual events and live-streaming capabilities, providing a comprehensive solution for event organizers.

By utilizing these advanced features offered by ticketing platforms like Event Smart, event organizers can streamline their ticket selling process, enhance the ticket purchasing experience for attendees, and maximize ticket sales.

Incorporating ticketing technology innovations not only benefits event organizers and promoters but also improves the overall experience for ticket buyers. By staying informed about the latest advancements in the industry and leveraging the right ticketing technology, event organizers can create a high-converting ticket selling website that meets the needs and expectations of their target audience.

Ensuring Online Security

When operating a ticket selling website, ensuring the security of your customers’ information is of utmost importance. Implementing proper security measures not only protects your customers but also helps build trust and credibility in your online ticketing business. In this section, we will explore the importance of security certification and the significance of streamlining the checkout process.

Importance of Security Certification

Having the appropriate security certification is crucial to keep customer payment information secure. It is recommended to obtain proper security certifications to demonstrate to customers that their data is protected and that you prioritize their privacy and security. By prominently displaying the relevant security badges and certifications on your website, you can instill confidence in your customers when they make purchases. This includes ensuring that your website has a secure connection, indicated by the “https://” prefix in the URL and a padlock icon in the address bar, which indicates that data is encrypted and protected from cybercriminals (Eventzilla; Cyber Scotland).

Streamlining Checkout Process

A streamlined and user-friendly checkout process is essential to prevent ticket abandonment and ensure a smooth customer experience. The simpler you make the checkout process, the fewer customers you are likely to lose at this crucial stage. Implementing a well-designed, intuitive, and efficient checkout process can significantly reduce friction and increase conversion rates. This includes minimizing the number of steps required to complete the purchase, reducing the amount of information customers need to enter, and providing clear instructions throughout the process. By optimizing the checkout process, you can enhance customer satisfaction and minimize the risk of potential customers abandoning their ticket purchase (Eventzilla).

By prioritizing online security and streamlining the checkout process, you can create a safe and seamless ticket purchasing experience for your customers. These measures not only protect your customers’ sensitive information but also contribute to building trust and loyalty in your ticket selling website. Remember to stay up to date with the latest security practices and certificates to ensure your website remains secure as you continue to dominate the market.

Maximizing Ticket Sales

To maximize ticket sales for your event, it’s important to implement effective strategies that encourage early ticket purchases. Two powerful methods to achieve this are utilizing pre-sale strategies and implementing early bird discounts.

Utilizing Pre-Sale Strategies

Pre-selling event tickets has numerous benefits for event organizers. It allows you to determine how many tickets will be sold before the event, providing valuable insights for planning and testing different selling strategies. Additionally, pre-sale tickets create a sense of exclusivity and urgency, encouraging attendees to secure their tickets early.

To make the most of pre-sales, consider the following strategies:

  1. Pricing Pre-Sale Tickets: Set the price of pre-sale tickets slightly lower than the regular price to entice early buyers. This discount acts as an incentive and rewards attendees for their commitment to the event. It’s important to strike a balance between offering an attractive discount and ensuring profitability.

  2. Exclusive Access or Benefits: Provide additional perks or benefits exclusively to pre-sale ticket holders. This could include early entry to the event, access to VIP areas, or exclusive merchandise. These incentives further motivate attendees to purchase tickets early, enhancing the overall experience and value for them.

  3. Referral Programs: Implement referral tracking codes to track the effectiveness of different marketing channels. By offering incentives or rewards for attendees who refer others to purchase tickets, you can tap into the power of word-of-mouth and encourage attendees to become advocates for your event. This can help you measure the effectiveness of your marketing channels and optimize your ticket sales strategies.

For a more in-depth guide on pre-selling event tickets and its benefits, visit our article on pre-sale strategies.

Implementing Early Bird Discounts

Offering early bird discounts is an effective technique to create a sense of urgency and encourage attendees to purchase tickets at the earliest opportunity. These discounts are typically available for a limited time period and provide a financial incentive for attendees to commit to the event sooner rather than later.

Consider the following strategies when implementing early bird discounts:

  1. Limited Time Offer: Clearly communicate the duration of the early bird discount period to create a sense of urgency. This encourages attendees to take immediate action and secure their tickets before the discount expires. Countdown timers or reminders can be displayed on your ticket selling website to further emphasize the limited time offer.

  2. Tiered Pricing: Consider implementing tiered pricing for early bird tickets. Offer a higher discount for those who purchase tickets during the initial phase of the early bird period, gradually decreasing the discount as the event date approaches. This rewards early buyers and incentivizes attendees to purchase tickets as soon as possible.

  3. Promotion and Marketing: Effectively promote and market your early bird discounts across various channels. Utilize your website, social media platforms, email newsletters, and partnerships with influencers or relevant organizations to reach a wider audience. Clearly communicate the benefits of purchasing tickets early, such as guaranteed entry, better seating options, or exclusive access to certain areas.

By utilizing pre-sale strategies and implementing early bird discounts, you can create a sense of excitement, urgency, and exclusivity around your event. These strategies not only increase ticket sales but also provide valuable insights into your target audience and their level of commitment to the event.

The Art of Ticket Selling: How to Craft an Irresistible Ticket Website - Osum (2024)


How to sell tickets fast? ›

8 Ways to Attract The People and Selling Out Tickets Through Social Media
  1. Claim Limited Availability. ...
  2. Marketing Through Email. ...
  3. Leverage Social Media Advertising. ...
  4. Include Your Past Attendees. ...
  5. Cross-Promotion with Other Conferences. ...
  6. Create Engaging Content. ...
  7. Leverage Influencer Marketing. ...
  8. Build Community and Excitement.

How to get into high ticket sales? ›

Building a premium brand is pivotal in high-value sales, where trust, familiarity, and consistency are prerequisites for customer engagement. 81% of customers need to trust a brand before purchasing, a sentiment that intensifies when the stakes are higher, as with high-ticket products and services.

When to start selling tickets for an event? ›

So, it's crucial to start selling tickets online as soon as your event is announced or promoted. By giving attendees the opportunity to secure their spot early, you can create a sense of urgency and excitement around your event. (More on that later.)

How to sell tickets online without a fee? ›

ThunderTix is the only online ticket selling platform providing the total control of ticket fees. ThunderTix allows you to sell event tickets online, manage your events, sell gift cards and merchandise, and send mass mail all from one online ticketing software.

How do I get my tickets from ticket faster? ›

  1. Select. Select TicketFast as your method of delivery.
  2. Purchase. Purchase your tickets.
  3. Print. The tickets will be sent by e-mail as an attached PDF-file which you can save on your computer. The tickets are now saved. Print them any time before the event. You will need Adobe Acrobat Reader 4.0 or later.
  4. Enjoy.

Where can I sell tickets I can't use? ›

If you're looking to resell tickets for an in-demand concert, festival, or sporting event, Ticketmaster and StubHub should be the first on your list. These marketplaces are super secure and well known, so you'll have the best chance to sell your tickets at a good price.

What are big ticket items? ›

A big-ticket item also referred to as a BTI, is a high-priced item, such as a house or car. In the context of retail stores, they may also refer to products with selling prices and profit margins that are significantly higher than those of other items in the stores.

How to create high ticket products? ›

To create and sell your first high-ticket item, you'll need to:
  1. Understand your audience.
  2. Perform a competitor or gap analysis.
  3. Start planning your high-ticket offer.
  4. Design the flywheel to market and sell your high-ticket offer.

How to sell large ticket items? ›

7 secrets to selling high-ticket sales
  1. Understand a high-ticket client inside out. ...
  2. Make your high-ticket product offer irresistible. ...
  3. Strategically price your high ticket item. ...
  4. Prioritize exceptional customer service. ...
  5. Automate the sales process to close the deal faster. ...
  6. Focus on long-term relationships.
Nov 27, 2023

How to make money selling tickets? ›

Here are the five general steps to resell tickets as a side hustle:
  1. Research the ticket market to understand demand and trends.
  2. Purchase tickets you want to resell for a platform.
  3. List your tickets for resale on popular resale platforms.
  4. Invest your profits into additional tickets.
  5. Scale your ticket resale business.
May 6, 2024

How much does StubHub charge to sell tickets? ›

How much money does take from a ticket seller? StubHub charges a 15% commission to the seller and a 10% service fee to the buyer.

How to sell concert tickets as a promoter? ›

How to Increase Ticket Sales for an Event
  1. Create tiered ticket pricing. ...
  2. Offer discounted group rates. ...
  3. Promote event promo codes and coupons. ...
  4. Design ticket bundles with added perks. ...
  5. Offer early bird registration with discounted ticket fees. ...
  6. Design limited-time offers to drive ticket sales.
Oct 25, 2023

What is the cheapest ticket selling website? ›

10 event ticketing platforms with the lowest fees [2024]
  • TicketSource.
  • Showpass.
  • Eventzilla.
  • Ticket Tailor.
  • Tix.
  • TicketSpice.
  • Yapsody.
  • RegFox.
Mar 21, 2024

Is there a website I can sell tickets on? ›

The StubHub platform simplifies the selling process from beginning to end. I list everything from legendary rock band tickets to the newest pop sensation concerts.

Do I have to pay for RSVPify? ›

It's 100% free to set up your event and use all of RSVPify's premium features! RSVPify charges an industry-leading low per-ticket-sold fee of 1.95% + . $90 per ticket, item or donation. You can choose to pass fees along to your guests, and pay nothing.

How to resell tickets on Ticketmaster fast? ›

Here's how to find out if an instant offer is available for your tickets.
  1. Sign in to your Ticketmaster account and select the tickets you want to sell.
  2. Click Sell to see your options. ...
  3. Select Review & Accept Offer then Accept Offer to confirm the sale and select your requested method of payment.

How to get tickets when they sell out fast? ›

If you're unlucky with getting tickets when they first go on sale, we'd always advise checking back to our website nearer to the day of the show – there's always the chance that more tickets could be released once the stage layout has been confirmed.

Can I make a profit reselling tickets? ›

Now, many sellers earn about 10-20% profit by buying and flipping tickets. You can earn much higher margins for super popular sold-out events, like a Taylor Swift or Ed Sheeran show, but this isn't the norm. Ultimately, this means it takes time and dedication to grow your inventory.


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Author: Fr. Dewey Fisher

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Name: Fr. Dewey Fisher

Birthday: 1993-03-26

Address: 917 Hyun Views, Rogahnmouth, KY 91013-8827

Phone: +5938540192553

Job: Administration Developer

Hobby: Embroidery, Horseback riding, Juggling, Urban exploration, Skiing, Cycling, Handball

Introduction: My name is Fr. Dewey Fisher, I am a powerful, open, faithful, combative, spotless, faithful, fair person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.